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Leuven, Belgium
(Est. 1425)
Faculty (29) | Related Primary Sources (1) | Websites (1)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Joannes Mahusiusn/a0Roman Catholicn/a
Faculty of Arts
Libert FroidmontProf. of Rhetoric (1609-1614) 41Roman Catholicen fr | Scholasticon
Faculty of Medicine
Cornelius GemmaProf. of Medicine (?-?) 9n/an/a
Faculty of Philosophy
Michael BajusProf. of Philosophy (1544-1550) 33Roman CatholicCE
Guilielmus EstiusProf. of Philosophy (1580-1582) 61Roman Catholicen nl | NNBW | Scholasticon
Justus LipsiusProf. of Philosophy (1592-1606) 101Lutheran, Reformed, Roman Catholicen fr
Guillaume MerchierProf. of Philosophy (1597-?) 0Roman CatholicScholasticon
Libert FroidmontProf. of Philosophy (1614-1628) 41Roman Catholicen fr | Scholasticon
Gommaire HuygensProf. of Philosophy (1652-1668) 50Roman CatholicDBNL
Faculty of Theology
Jacobus LatomusProf. of Theology (1519-1544) 31Roman Catholicen fr | DBNL
Jodocus RavesteynProf. of Theology (1546-1570) 27Roman CatholicCE
Richard SmythProf. of Theology (1549-1551) 28Roman CatholicDNB1
Michael BajusProf. of Theology (1550-1589) 33Roman CatholicCE
Roberto BellarminoProf. of Theology (1570-1576) 766Roman Catholicen it | Bayle | CE | EMLO | Scholasticon
Johannes MolanusProf. of Theology (1578-1585) 34Roman Catholicn/a
Cornelius à LapideProf. of Exegesis (1596-1616) 461Roman Catholicen | CE
Guillaume MerchierRegius Prof. of Theology (1611-1639) 0Roman CatholicScholasticon
Libert FroidmontProf. of Theology (1628-1653) 41Roman Catholicen fr | Scholasticon
Richard ArchdekinProf. of Theology (1665-?) 28Roman Catholicen
Gommaire HuygensProf. of Theology (1672-1702) 50Roman CatholicDBNL
Franciscus van VianenProf. of Theology (1673-1675) 0Roman Catholicn/a
Gilles de ConinckProf. of Theology (?-?) 27Roman Catholicn/a
Johannes DriedoProf. of Theology (?-?) 19Roman Catholicn/a
John FloydProf. of Theology (?-1649) 9Roman Catholicen
Jean HesselsProf. of Theology (?-?) 57Roman CatholicCE
Jean de LensProf. of Theology (?-?) 45Roman Catholicn/a
John SinnichProf. of Theology (?-?) 5Roman CatholicScholasticon
Joannes Baptista SinnichiusProf. of Theology (?-?) 8Roman Catholicn/a
Johannes WiggersProf. of Theology (?-?) 24Roman CatholicScholasticon

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