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Heidelberg, Germany
(Est. 1385)
Faculty (107) | Disputations (210) | Related Primary Sources (12) | Secondary Sources (6) | Websites (1)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Janus GruterProf. of (?-?) 19n/an/a
Ludwig Georg MiegProf. of Eloquence (?-?) 2Reformedn/a
Faculty of Law
Julius PaciusProf. of Law (1585-1594) 134Reformeden it | HLS
Denis GodefroyProf. of Law (1604-1621) 25ReformedHLS
Samuel PufendorfProf. of Natural Law (1661-1668) 172Lutheranen de | NDB
Christoph EhemProf. of Law (?-?) 6ReformedNDB
Johannes de SpinaProf. of Law (?-?) 13n/an/a
Faculty of Medicine
Thomas ErastusProf. of Medicine (1558-1580) 87Reformedn/a
Sigismund MelanchthonProf. of Medicine (1566-1573) 1Reformedn/a
Sebastian BlossProf. of Medicine (1583-1586) 0Lutherann/a
Faculty of Philosophy
Georg SchwartzProf. of Philosophy (1504-1512) 0Roman Catholicn/a
Johannes BrenzProf. of Latin, Greek, & Hebrew (1519-1522) 589Lutheranen de | NDB | VGT
Veit HaasProf. of Philosophy (1523-1533) 0Roman Catholicn/a
Simon Grynäus, SrProf. of Greek (1524-1529) 14Reformeden de | NDB | Scholasticon
Sebastian MünsterProf. of Hebrew (1524-1529) 101Reformeden
Matthias KeulerProf. of Philosophy (1536-1542) 0Roman Catholicn/a
Wilhelm XylanderProf. of Greek & Mathematics (1562-63) (1558-1563) 14Reformedn/a
Sigismund MelanchthonProf. of Physics (1560-1562) 1Reformedn/a
Johann BrunnerProf. of Ethics (1561-1563) 2Reformed, Roman Catholicn/a
Johannes LöwenklauProf. of Philosophy (1562-1565) 14Reformedde | NDB
Hermann WitekindProf. of Greek (1563-1580) 9Reformedn/a
Wilhelm XylanderProf. of Logic (1563-1576) 14Reformedn/a
Lambert Ludolph HelmProf. of Latin, Rhetoric, & History (1565-1580) 11Reformedde
Simon SimoniProf. of Philosophy (1567-1569) 47n/an/a
Victor StrigelProf. of Ethics & History (1567-1569) 200Lutheran, Reformeden de | ADB | VGT
Petrus RamusProf. of Philosophy (1569-1570) 136Reformeden fr | Scholasticon
Timotheus MaderProf. of Philosophy (1571-1580) 2Reformedn/a
Johann PiscatorProf. of Physics (1574-1575) 239Lutheran, Reformeden de | ADB | BBKL
Johann JungnitzProf. of Physics (1575-1580) 2Reformedn/a
Theophil MaderProf. of Logic (1576-1580) 2Reformedn/a
Johann PappProf. of Logic (1580-1585) 1Lutherann/a
Sebastian PichselProf. of Ethics (1580-1582) 2LutheranNDB
Georg FladungProf. of Latin, Poetry, & History (1581-1582) 0Lutherann/a
Johann FladungProf. of Hebrew (1581-1584) 2Lutherann/a
Georg FladungProf. of Ethics (1582-1585) 0Lutherann/a
Lambert Ludolph HelmProf. of Latin, Poetry, & Rhetoric (1584-1596) 11Reformedde
Hermann WitekindProf. of Mathematics (1584-1601) 9Reformedn/a
Jakob ChristmannProf. of Hebrew (1585-1591) 16Reformeden de | ADB
Johann JungnitzProf. of Logic (1585-1588) 2Reformedn/a
Simon StenProf. of Ethics (1585-1588) 44ReformedADB
Fortunatus CrellProf. of Philosophy (1587-1590) 33ReformedScholasticon
Theophil MaderProf. of Logic (1588-1591) 2Reformedn/a
Simon StenProf. of Latin, Rhetoric, Poetry, & History (1588-1619) 44ReformedADB
Simon StenProf. of Greek (1588-1596) 44ReformedADB
Jakob ChristmannProf. of Logic (1591-1613) 16Reformeden de | ADB
Theophil MaderProf. of Physics (1591-1604) 2Reformedn/a
Bartholomaeus CoppenProf. of Hebrew (1592-1594) 5ReformedVGT | Zedler
Hermann RennecherProf. of Hebrew (1594-1600) 9ReformedRotermund
Aemilius PortusProf. of Greek & Rhetoric (1596-1609) 92LutheranADB
Bartholomäus KeckermannProf. of Hebrew (1600-1602) 208Reformeden de | Bayle | NDB | Scholasticon | Zedler
Abraham KimedonciusProf. of Hebrew (1603-1605) 1Reformedn/a
Jakob ChristmannProf. of Arabic (1609-1613) 16Reformeden de | ADB
Gerard de NeufvilleProf. (extraordinarius) of Mathematics of Philosophy (1609-1611) 3ReformedRotermund | Zedler
Abraham KimedonciusProf. of Logic (1613-1620) 1Reformedn/a
Matthias PasorProf. extraordinarius of Philosophy (1619-1622) 21ReformedDBNL | DNB1 | EMLO
Richwin GoeltgensProf. of Logic & Physics (1629-1631) 0Roman Catholicn/a
Joachim JoannesProf. of Philosophy (1645-1648) 0Roman Catholicn/a
Johann Friedrich Mieg, SrProf. of History & Oriental Languages (1667-1672) 29ReformedADB
Johann Lorenz CrollProf. of Philosophy & Greek (1681-1692) 2ReformedADB
Jean CarréProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 12Reformedn/a
Johann LampadiusProf. of History (?-?) 5ReformedRotermund
Faculty of Theology
Georg SchwartzProf. of Theology (1512-1556) 0Roman Catholicn/a
Martin FrechtProf. of Theology (1528-1531) 0Lutherande | NDB | VGT
Veit HaasProf. of Theology (1529-1538) 0Roman Catholicn/a
Heinrich StollProf. of Theology (1533-1557) 0LutheranVGT
Matthias KeulerProf. of Theology (1539-1557) 0Roman Catholicn/a
Pierre BouquinProf. of Theology (1557-1577) 32Reformeden de | BBKL | Haag2 | NDB
Tilemann HeshusenProf. of Theology (1558-1559) 276Lutheranen de | NDB | Rotermund
Paul EinhornProf. of Theology (1559-1560) 2Lutherann/a
Caspar OlevianProf. of Theology (1561-1562) 74Reformeden de | NDB | VGT
Immanuel TremelliusProf. of Old Testament & Hebrew (1561-1577) 33Reformeden de | ADB | DNB1
Zacharias UrsinusProf. of Theology (1562-1567) 173Reformeden de | ADB | VGT
Johannes FontanusProf. of Theology (1567-1578) 6ReformedADB
Girolamo ZanchiProf. of Theology (1568-1577) 185Reformeden de | ADB | Bayle | Scholasticon
Edo HilderichProf. of Old Testament & Hebrew (1578-1580) 4LutheranADB
Philipp MarbachProf. of Theology (1579-1584) 27LutheranADB
Timotheus KirchnerProf. of New Testament (1580-1584) 35Lutherande | NDB
Jakob Schopper, JrProf. of Theology (1581-1584) 9LutheranADB
Johann Jakob GrynaeusProf. of New Testament (1584-1586) 356Reformeden de | HLS | NDB | VGT
Franciscus JuniusProf. of Theology (1584-1592) 272Reformeden de | BBKL | DBNL | DNB2 | Haag2
Georg SohnProf. of Old Testament (1584-1589) 51ReformedADB | VGT
Daniel Tossanus, SrProf. of New Testament (1586-1601) 205Reformeden fr | ADB | VGT
Jacobus KimedonciusProf. of Theology (1589-1596) 37ReformedNDB
Petrus CalaminusProf. of Theology (1592-1598) 17LutheranADB
David PareusProf. of Old & New Testament (1598-1622) 272Reformeden de | Bayle | NDB
Bartholomaeus CoppenProf. of Theology (1600-1617) 5ReformedVGT | Zedler
Quirinus ReuterProf. of Old Testament (1602-1613) 17ReformedADB | VGT
Heinrich AltingProf. of Theology (1613-1622) 67Reformeden | ADB | EMLO | NNBW
Abraham ScultetusProf. of Old Testament (1618-1619) 194Reformeden de | ADB
Bernhard BaumannProf. of Theology (1629-1631) 0Roman Catholicn/a
Arnold HaanProf. of Theology (1629-1631) 0Roman Catholicn/a
Richwin GoeltgensProf. of Theology (1640-1646) 0Roman Catholicn/a
Joachim JoannesProf. of Theology (1644-1645) 0Roman Catholicn/a
Heinrich LochumProf. of Theology (1646-1647) 0Roman Catholicn/a
Johann CremerProf. of Theology (1647-1649) 0Roman Catholicn/a
Johann Heinrich Hottinger, IProf. of Oriental Languages (1655-1661) 239Reformeden de | HLS | NDB
Frédéric Spanheim, JrProf. of Systematics (1655-1660) 192Reformeden de | ADB | Zedler
Daniel Tossanus, JrProf. of Theology (1655-1655) 5ReformedZedler
Frédéric Spanheim, JrProf. of Old & New Testament (1660-1670) 192Reformeden de | ADB | Zedler
Johann Ludwig FabritiusProf. of Systematics, Old & New Testament (1661-1696) 32ReformedADB | Zedler
Johann Lorenz CrollProf. of Theology (1692-1693) 2ReformedADB
Carl Conrad AchenbachProf. of Old & New Testament (1696-1700) 2ReformedZedler
Johann Christian KirchmayerProf. of Theology (1706-1723) 15Reformedde | ADB
Ludwig Christian MiegProf. of Theology (1706-1740) 24ReformedADB
Johann Heinrich Hottinger, IIIProf. of Theology (1723-1750) 15ReformedHLS | NDB
Christian BrüningsProf. of Theology (1740-1763) 35ReformedZedler
Georg PauliProf. of Theology (?-?) 1ReformedADB | EMLO

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