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Cambridge, England
Faculty (68) | Related Primary Sources (1) | Secondary Sources (3) | Websites (2)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Robert Somen/a1Reformeden
Joseph MedeMildmay Greek Lecturer / Christ's College (1618-1638) 36Puritan, Reformeden
William DellMaster of Gonville and Caius College (1649-1660) 24Puritan, Reformeden | DNB1
John LightfootVice-Chancellor (1654-?) 131Puritan, Reformeden
Roger CotesPlumian Prof. of (1707-1716) 5n/an/a
Martin Cliffordn/a5n/an/a
Nicholas Gibbonsn/a3Reformedn/a
Edward PotterFellow, Emanuel College (?-?) 1Anglicann/a
John Spencern/a7Anglican, Latitudinariann/a
William TempleProvost, Trinity College (?-?) 2Reformedn/a
John TurnerFellow of Christ's College (?-?) 4Anglican, Arminian-Remonstrantn/a
Faculty of Arts
Ralph WiddringtonRegius Prof. of Greek (1654-1660) 0AnglicanDNB1
Faculty of Philosophy
Edmund CastellProf. of Arabic (1667-?) 21Anglicanen
Thomas StanleyProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 11n/an/a
Faculty of Theology
John FisherLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1502-1504) 70Roman CatholicCE | DNB1
Desiderius ErasmusLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1511-1515) 452Roman Catholicen de | CE | DBNL | EMLO | NDB
Alexander AlesiusKing's Scholar (1535-1539) 62Lutheran, Reformeden de | BBKL | DNB1 | DNB2 | NDB
John RedmanLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1538-1542) 0Roman CatholicDNB1
Edward WiganRegius Prof. of Divinity (1540-1545) 0Anglicann/a
William GlynLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1544-1549) 0Roman CatholicDNB1
John MadewRegius Prof. of Divinity (1545-1550) 0Anglicann/a
Paul FagiusRegius Prof. of Hebrew (1549-1549) 22Lutheranen de | DNB1 | NDB | VGT
John RedmanLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1549-1551) 0Roman CatholicDNB1
Immanuel TremelliusRegius Prof. of Hebrew (1549-1553) 33Reformeden de | ADB | DNB1
Martin BucerRegius Prof. of Divinity (1550-1551) 286Reformeden de | DNB2 | EMLO | GAMEO | HLS | NDB | VGT
Thomas SedgwickLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1554-1556) 0Roman Catholicen | CE | DNB1
John YoungRegius Prof. of Divinity (1555-1557) 4Roman Catholicen | DNB1
George BullockLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1556-1559) 0Roman Catholicn/a
Thomas SedgwickRegius Prof. of Divinity (1557-1559) 0Roman Catholicen | CE | DNB1
Robert BeaumontLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1559-1561) 0Puritan, ReformedDNB1
James PilkingtonRegius Prof. of Divinity (1559-1561) 10Reformeden | DNB1
Matthew HuttonLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1561-1562) 9ReformedDNB1
Leonard PilkingtonRegius Prof. of Divinity (1561-1562) 0Reformeden
Matthew HuttonRegius Prof. of Divinity (1562-1567) 9ReformedDNB1
John WhitgiftLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1563-1567) 16ReformedDNB1
William ChadertonLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1567-1569) 0ReformedEMLO
John WhitgiftRegius Prof. of Divinity (1567-1569) 16ReformedDNB1
Thomas CartwrightLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1569-1570) 19Puritan, Reformeden | EMLO
William ChadertonRegius Prof. of Divinity (1569-1580) 0ReformedEMLO
John StillLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1570-1573) 0Anglican, Reformeden
Peter BaroLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1574-1596) 2Anglican, Arminian-Remonstranten | DNB1 | Haag2
William WhitakerRegius Prof. of Divinity (1580-1595) 66Anglican, Puritan, Reformeden | DNB1
William PerkinsFellow of Christ's College (1584-1594) 310Puritan, Reformeden | ADB | DNB2 | Scholasticon
John OverallRegius Prof. of Divinity (1596-1606) 13Anglicanen
Thomas PlayfereLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1596-1609) 7ReformedDNB1
John RichardsonRegius Prof. of Divinity (1606-1617) 1Anglicann/a
John DavenantLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1609-1623) 40Anglican, Reformeden | DNB1 | EMLO
Samuel CollinsRegius Prof. of Divinity (1617-1651) 0AnglicanDNB1
Samuel WardLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1623-1643) 6Reformeden | DNB1 | DNB2
Richard HoldsworthLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1643-1649) 8Reformeden
Richard LoveLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1649-1660) 0Anglican, ReformedDNB1
John ArrowsmithRegius Prof. of Divinity (1651-1656) 14Puritan, Reformeden | DNB2
Anthony TuckneyRegius Prof. of Divinity (1656-1661) 6Reformeden | DNB2
Peter GunningLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1660-1661) 6Anglican, Arminian-RemonstrantDNB1
Peter GunningRegius Prof. of Divinity (1661-1674) 6Anglican, Arminian-RemonstrantDNB1
John PearsonLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1661-1673) 63AnglicanDNB1
Ralph WiddringtonLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1673-1688) 0AnglicanDNB1
Joseph BeaumontRegius Prof. of Divinity (1674-1699) 4AnglicanDNB1 | EMLO
Humphrey GowerLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1688-1711) 0Anglicanen | DNB1
Henry JamesRegius Prof. of Divinity (1699-1717) 0Anglicann/a
Robert JenkinLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1711-1727) 5AnglicanDNB1
Richard BentleyRegius Prof. of Divinity (1717-1742) 82AnglicanEMLO
John NewcomeLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1727-1765) 2Anglicann/a
John GreenRegius Prof. of Divinity (1749-1756) 0AnglicanDNB1
Thomas RutherforthRegius Prof. of Divinity (1756-1771) 12Anglicanen
Zachary BrookeLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity (1765-1788) 0AnglicanDNB1
Richard WatsonRegius Prof. of Divinity (1771-?) 75n/an/a
Faculty of Theology / Peterhouse
Antoine Rodolphe ChevalierLecturer in Hebrew (1569-1572) 17Reformeden | DNB1

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