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Biographical Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Websites (37) | Early Modern Sources (71 titles, 211 vols.) | Modern Sources (61)Suggest a New Source
Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie & Neue Deutsche Biographie (ADB/NDB)
Biografiakeskus100 Finnish biographies, originally taken from Kansallisbiografia, The National Biography of Finland
Biographia Cisterciensis – Dictionary of Cistercian Biography Online465 Cistercian biographies
Biographisch Woordenboek van Nederlandsche Godgeleerden (BWNG)
Biographisch Woordenboek van Protestantsche Godgeleerden in Nederland
Biographisch-Bibliographische Kirchenlexikon (BBKL)
Biography Portal of the Netherlands
Catholic Encyclopedia [1913] (CE)Wikisource
Clergy of the Church of England Database 1540-1835 (CCEd)
Controversia et confessio. Quellenedition zur Bekenntnisbildung und Konfessionalisierung (1548-1580) - Biographien
Corpus Automatum Multiplex Electorum Neolatinitatis Auctorum (CAMENA) - Thesaurus EruditionisEarly Modern primary source references
Dansk biografisk lexikon (DBL)Danish biographical encyclopedia [1887-1905]
Dictionary of National Biography (DNB1)Wikisource, transcribed and searchable by name. 1st ed., 1885-1900
Dictionnaire de Bayle (ARTFL Project)Online searchable version of Bayle's Dictionnaire historique et critique, 5th ed. (1740)
Dictionnaire des auteurs anglais au Moyen-AgeBio-bibliographical dictionary of English authors relating to history and politics ca. 1300-1600
Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren (DBNL)
Digitaler Portraitindex druckgraphischer Bildnisse der Frühen NeuzeitDatabase of early modern portraits. A project of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; DFG).
Dissenting Academies OnlineDatabase entries for 220 academies, over 600 tutors, and a growing number of encyclopedia articles
Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI)
Elektroniczna Baza Bibliografii Estreichera (EBBE)Polish biographical database
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae, 1541-1857 (British History Online)Online searchable version, 11 vols. (University of London, 1969-2004)
Hessian BiographyThe online biographical portal of the Hessischen Landesamtes für geschichtliche Landeskunde in Marburg and the Instituts für Personengeschichte in Bensheim
Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (HLS)
Magyar életrajzi lexikon (MEL)Budapest: Akadémiai. 1969
Magyar írók élete és munkái, by Szinnyei József (Budapest, 1891)Life and works of Hungarian writers
Magyar Katolikus Lexikon (MKL)
Mennonitisches Lexikon (MennLex)Volume 5, Parts 1-3, a supplement to Mennonitisches Lexikon, 4 vols. (1913-1967)
Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek (NNBW)
Nordisk familjebok (NF)Swedish biographical encyclopedia [1876-1957]
Norsk biografisk leksikon (NBL)Norwegian biographical encyclopedia [1999-2005]
Sächsische Biografie (SB)
ScholasticonOnline database of early modern scholastics, maintained by J. Schmutz
Svenskt biografiskt handlexikon (SBH)Swedish dictionary of biography [2nd ed., 1906]
Zedlers Großes Universallexicon Online (Zedler)

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