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Medieval Authors
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Abarbanel, Isaac (†1509) 23Jewishen de
Abelard, Peter (†1142) 24n/aen fr | EMLO
Abraham ibn Daud (†1180) 1Jewishen es
Abraham ibn Ezra (†1164) 8Jewishen
Agricola, Rodolph (†1485) 72n/aen nl | BBKL | CE
Ailly, Pierre d' (†1420) 27n/aen
Alan of Lille (†1202) 4Roman Catholicen fr
Albertus Magnus, O.P. (†1280) 219n/a
Alexander Bonini (†1314) 7Roman Catholic
Alexander of Hales, O.F.M. (†1245) 33n/aTheology, Paris (1231-1245) | CE
Alexandre de Villedieu (†1250) 20n/a
Anastasius Sinaita (†700) 1n/a
Andreas, Antonius , O.F.M. (†1320) 10Roman Catholic
Angelome de Luxeuil (†c.855) 4n/a
Anselm of Canterbury (†1109) 12n/aBBKL | CE
Antonino de Florencia, O.P. (†1459) 6Roman Catholic
Antonius Melissa7n/a
Aquila, Petrus d., O.F.M. (†1361) 13n/a
Astesanus, O.F.M. (†1330) 13Roman Catholicen
Augustine of Ancona, O.E.S.A. (†1328) 5n/a
Aureolus, Petrus, O.F.M. (†1322) 5Roman Catholic
Averröes (†1198) 8n/a

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