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Author | Vols. | Tradition | Faculty | Reference | Abelly, Louis (†1691) | 157 | Roman Catholic | | fr en | BBKL | CE | Abillon, André d', S.J. (†1664) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Abra de Raconis, Charles F. (†1646) | 15 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Paris (1610-1616); Theology, Paris (1616-?) | en fr | Scholasticon | Accetti, Hieronimous (†1622) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Accoramboni, Felice (fl.1540-1590) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | DBI | Acosta, José de, S.J. (†1600) | 60 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Rome (Gregorianum) (1594-?) | en | Scholasticon | Acquaviva, Claudio, S.J. (†1615) | 28 | Roman Catholic | | CE | DBI | Scholasticon | Adam, Jean, S.J. (†1684) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Adriaan van Utrecht (†1523) | 18 | Roman Catholic | | | Adrianus de Nancy, O.F.M. Cap. (†1745) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Aegidius de Presentatione, O.E.S.A. (†1626) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Afhacker, Aegidius (†1623) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Agricola, Franciscus (†c.1624) | 49 | Roman Catholic | | | Aguilar, José de, S.J. (†1708) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Agustín y Albanell, Antonio (†1586) | 21 | Roman Catholic | | | Alagona, Pietro, S.J. (†1624) | 23 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Alamanni, Cosmo, S.J. (†1634) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Alamanni, Luigi (†1556) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Alarcón, Diego de, S.J. (†1634) | 2 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Alcalá de Henares (1626-1631); Theology, Madrid (Colegio Imperial) (1633-1634) | Scholasticon | Albani, Giovanni G. (†1591) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Albergonius, Eleutherius, O.F.M. (†1636) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Alberti, Leandro, O.P. (†1552) | 28 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Albertini, Georgio M., O.P. (†1810) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Albertinus, Arnaldus (†1544) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Alcalá, Pedro de, O.P. (†1740) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Alcázar, Luis, S.J. (†1613) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Alciati, Terenzio, S.J. (†1651) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Rome (Gregorianum) (1602-1605); Theology, Rome (Gregorianum) (1609-1623) | DBI | Scholasticon | Aldrete, Bernardo de, S.J. (†1657) | 7 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Salamanca (?-1657) | Scholasticon | Alegambe, Philippe, S.J. (†1642) | 1 | Roman Catholic | |  | Alexandre, Noël, O.P. (†1724) | 99 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Alfield, Thomas (†1585) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Allard, Pierre (†1608) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Allatius, Leo (†1669) | 49 | Roman Catholic | | en | Allen, William (†1594) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | en | DNB2 | Almain, Jacques (†1515) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Altamura, Ambrosius de, O.P. (†1677) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Altenstaig, Johannes (†1525) | 72 | Roman Catholic | | ADB | Altham, Michael (†1705) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Alvarez, Baltasar (†1580) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Alvarez, Balthasar, S.J. (†1630) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Alvarez, Diego, O.P. (†1635) | 12 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Rome (Angelicum) (1596-1606) | CE | Scholasticon | Àlvarez de Paz, Jacobo, S.J. (†1620) | 24 | Roman Catholic | | | Alveldt, Augustin von (†c.1535) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | de en | BBKL | Amaduzzi, Giovanni C. (†1792) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | it en | Amat de Graveson, Ignace H., O.P. (†1733) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | | Amato, Francesco, O.E.S.A. | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Amerbach, Veit (†1577) | 0 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic | | en | Amico, Bartolomeo, S.J. (†1649) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | en | Scholasticon | Amico, Bernardinus, O.F.M. (†1620) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Amicus, Franciscus, S.J. (†1651) | 21 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Anderdon, Christopher (†1694) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Anderton, Lawrence (†1643) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Anderton, Thomas (†1671) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Andrade, Diogo de Paiva de, S.J. (†1575) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Andrea della Croce (†1675) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Aneau, Barthélémy (†1561) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | en | Angermann, Adalbert, O.F.M. (fl.1700-) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Anglés, José, O.F.M. Obs. (†1588) | 19 | Roman Catholic | | | Annat, François, S.J. (†1670) | 25 | Roman Catholic | | | Anonymous/Roman Catholic | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Anreiter, Thomas, S.J. (†1652) | 5 | Roman Catholic | Arts, Dillingen (1616-1622); Philosophy, Dillingen (1622-1624); Theology, Dillingen (1626-1644); Theology, Dillingen (1644-1647) | Scholasticon | Antoine, Paul G., S.J. (†1745) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Antolínez, Agustín, O.E.S.A. (†1626) | 1 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Valladolid (1591-1594); Theology, Salamanca | Scholasticon | Antonius, Johannes, S.J. (†1647) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1640-1643) | | Antonius a Spiritu Sancto, O.C.D. (†1677) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Aquarius, Matthias, O.P. (†1591) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Araujo, Francisco de, O.P. (†1664) | 26 | Roman Catholic | | en | CE | Scholasticon | Archdekin, Richard, S.J. (†1693) | 28 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Leuven (1665-?) | en | Aresi, Paolo (†1644) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | | Argenti, Giovanni, S.J. (†1626) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Arias, Francisco (†1605) | 22 | Roman Catholic | | en | Arias Montano, Benito (†1598) | 70 | Roman Catholic | | | Arnauld, Antoine (†1694) | 218 | Roman Catholic | | fr en | BBKL | CE | Arnauld, Antoine, Sr (†1619) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Arnoldi, Bartholomaeus (†1532) | 65 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Arnou, Nicolas, O.P. (†1692) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Arnoux, Jean, S.J. (†1636) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Arriaga, Rodrigo de, S.J. (†1667) | 26 | Roman Catholic | | BBKL | Arriba, Francisco (†1623) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Arrubal, Pedro de, S.J. (†1608) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Arthur, James, O.P. (†c.1670) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Arubal, Petrus de | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Assonleville de Bouchert, Guillaume d. (fl.1589-) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Astruc, Jean (†1766) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | BBKL | CE | Astudillo, Diego de, O.P. (†1536) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Aubert de Versé, Noël (†1714) | 16 | Roman Catholic, Socinian-Unitarian | | en | Haag2 | Auger, Émond, S.J. (†1591) | 7 | Roman Catholic | |  | Aversa, Raffaele, C.R.M. (†1657) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | | Avila, Francisco de, O.P. (†1604) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | Quetif | Ayala, Balthasar (†1584) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | nl | Azor, Juan, S.J. (†1603) | 39 | Roman Catholic | | en | Azpilcueta, Martín de (†1586) | 118 | Roman Catholic | | en es | BBKL | CE | Scholasticon | Bacherius, Petrus, S.J. (†1636) | 30 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1583-1589); Philosophy, Ingolstadt (1589-1592); Theology, Dillingen (1592-1597); Theology, Dillingen (1598-1599); Theology, Dillingen (1599-?); Theology, Dillingen (1615-1620) | | Bacherius, Petrus, O.P. (†1601) | 70 | Roman Catholic | | ADB | Bachet, Claude Gaspar, S.J. (†1638) | 33 | Roman Catholic | |  | Bail, Louis (†1669) | 24 | Roman Catholic | | BBKL | Baile, Guillaume, S.J. (†1620) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Baillet, Adrien (†1706) | 131 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Bajus, Michael (†1589) | 33 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Leuven (1544-1550); Theology, Leuven (1550-1589) | CE | Baldinger, Bernhart (†1672) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Baldinger, Carl (†1678) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Balduin, Anton, S.J. (†1585) | 7 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1570-1576); Theology, Dillingen (1577-1582) | | Baluze, Etienne (†1718) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Bancel, Louis, O.P. (†1685) | 18 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Báñez, Domingo, O.P. (†1604) | 64 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Ávila (1561-1567); Theology, Alcalá de Henares (1567-1569); Theology, Salamanca (1570-1573); Theology, Valladolid (1573-1576); Theology, Salamanca (1577-1601) | en | CE | Quetif | Scholasticon | Baranyi, Pál, S.J. (†1719) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | hu | Barbavara, Gianambrogio, O.P. (fl.1562-1573) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Barbay, Pierre (†1664) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | | Barbosa, Agostinho (†1649) | 21 | Roman Catholic | | | Barclay, John (†1621) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Barclay, William (†1608) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Barcos, Martin de (†1678) | 12 | Roman Catholic | | | Barnabeus, Hieronymus (†1662) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Barnewallus, Joannes (fl.1627-1641) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Baro, Bonaventura, O.F.M. (†1696) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | | Baron, Vincent, O.P. (†1674) | 31 | Roman Catholic | | en | BBKL | Baronio, Cesare (†1607) | 117 | Roman Catholic | | | Barral, Pierre (†1772) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Barros, Antonio, O.F.M. (†1755) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Bartolomeus a Martyribus, O.P. (†1590) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Baruffaldi, Girolamo, Sr (†1755) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Baudouin, François (†1573) | 60 | Roman Catholic | Law, Bourges (1549-?) | | Baumann, Bernhard, S.J. (†1636) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Heidelberg (1629-1631) | | Baumann, Christian, S.J. (†1635) | 12 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1623-1627) | | Bayle, François (†1709) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | | Bayona, Carlos de, O.P. (†1682) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Beato, Gianfrancesco, O.P. | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Beauxamis, Thomas, O.C. (†1589) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | | Becanus, Martinus, S.J. (†1624) | 361 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Cologne; Theology, Mainz; Theology, Vienna; Theology, Würzburg | en de | NDB | Scholasticon | Beccadelli, Lodovico (†1572) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | BBKL | Beccaria, Cesare (†1794) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Beccaria, Johannes, S.J. (†1580) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Béda, Noël (†1537) | 9 | Roman Catholic | | fr | Bell, Thomas (fl.1573-1610) | 0 | Anglican, Roman Catholic | | en | Bellarmino, Roberto, S.J. (†1621) | 766 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Leuven (1570-1576); Theology, Rome (Gregorianum) (1576-1587) | en it | Bayle | CE | EMLO | Scholasticon | Bellelli, Fulgenzio, O.E.S.A. (†1742) | 9 | Roman Catholic | | | Belluga, Pedro | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Belluto, Bonaventura, O.F.M. Conv. (†1676) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Bembo, Pietro, O.S.I.H. (†1547) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | en | Benedicti, Jean (†1611) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Beni, Paolo (†1625) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Benitez de Lugo, Cajetano, O.P. (†1739) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Benoît, Jean (†1573) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Benoit, René (†1608) | 55 | Roman Catholic | | | Bermingham, Francis, O.F.M. (fl.1652-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Bernard, Johann, S.J. (†1660) | 7 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1629-1632); Theology, Dillingen (1635-1636); Theology, Dillingen (1637-1638); Theology, Dillingen (1638-1642) | | Bernardus aus Luxemburg, O.P. (†1535) | 26 | Roman Catholic | | | Bernier, François (†1688) | 34 | Roman Catholic | | | Berrington, Simon (†1775) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Berruyer, Isaac, S.J. (†1758) | 18 | Roman Catholic | | | Bertagna, Petrus M., O.P. (†1697) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | Quetif | Berti, Giovanni L., O.E.S.A. (†1766) | 29 | Roman Catholic | | | Bertius, Joannes L., O.E.S.A. (†1766) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Bérulle, Pierre de (†1629) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Besoldus, Christopher (†1638) | 17 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic | | en de | Beyerlinck, Laurentius (†1627) | 12 | Roman Catholic | | | Bidermann, Jakob, S.J. (†1639) | 42 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1615-1618); Theology, Dillingen (1619-1626) | | Biermann, Beda (fl.1728-) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Bigeon, Gervais (†1670) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Billick, Eberhard (†1557) | 2 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Cologne (1540-1557) | | Billuart, Charles-René, O.P. (†1757) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Billy de Prunay, Jacques de (†1581) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | Zedler | Binet, Etienne, S.J. (†1639) | 19 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Binsfeld, Peter (†1598) | 113 | Roman Catholic | | | Birkowski, Fabian, O.P. (†1636) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Bishop, William (†1624) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Blache, Antoine (†1714) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Blackwell, George (†1613) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Blackwood, Adam (†1613) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Blasius a Conceptione, O.C.D. (†1694) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Blasius Verducatinensis, O.P. | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Blois, Louis de (†1566) | 21 | Roman Catholic | | | Blomevenna, Petrus (†1536) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Boccadiferro, Lodovico (†1545) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | | Boccadifuoco, Costanzo, O.F.M. (†1595) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | | Bodin, Jean (†1596) | 54 | Roman Catholic | | | Bolland, Jean, S.J. (†1665) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Bolognino, Guilielmus (†1669) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | nl | DBNL | Bolsec, Jérôme-Hermès, O.C. (†1584) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Bona, Giovanni, O.Cist. (†1674) | 97 | Roman Catholic | | en de | CE | Bonacina, Martino (†1631) | 90 | Roman Catholic | | | Bonald, François, S.J. (†1614) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | | Bonfrère, Jacques, S.J. (†1643) | 3 | Roman Catholic | Hebrew, Douai | | Bonner, Edmund (†1569) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Bonnet, Antoine, S.J. (†1700) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Bontemps, Léger | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Bordes, Jean d., S.J. (†1620) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Borromeo, Carlo (†1584) | 24 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Borromeo, Federico (†1631) | 26 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Borrull, Matthias (†1689) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Boschet, Antoine, S.J. (†1699) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Bosio, Antonio (†1629) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Bossuet, Jacques B. (†1704) | 371 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Botero, Giovanni (†1617) | 29 | Roman Catholic | | | Bottens, Fulgentius, O.F.M. Rec. (†1717) | 42 | Roman Catholic | | | Boucat, Antoine (fl.1716-1736) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | | Boucher, Jean (†1630) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | | Bouhours, Dominique, S.J. (†1702) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Boulduc, Jacques, O.F.M. Cap. (fl.1619-c.1640) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | | Boulenger, Jules César, S.J. (†1628) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | fr | Boulenger, Pierre (†1598) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Bouquin, Charles, O.P. (†1698) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | Quetif | Bourdaloue, Louis, S.J. (†1704) | 179 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Bourdaloue, Louis, S.J. (†1704) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Bourdin, Pierre, S.J. (†1653) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Boursier, Laurent F. (†1749) | 18 | Roman Catholic | | | Bourzeis, Amable de (†1672) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | | Bovillus, Carolus (†1567) | 34 | Roman Catholic | | | Boyer, Pierre (†1703) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Boyvin, Jean G., O.F.M. (†1685) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Brachet de La Milletière, Théophile (†1665) | 10 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | | Brancasius, Clemens | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Brancati, Lorenzo, O.F.M. Conv. (†1693) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | | Brant, Sebastian (†1521) | 26 | Roman Catholic | | | Brasavola, Ireneo, O.F.M. (†1621) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Braun, Christoph, S.J. (†1676) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Brébeuf, Jean d., S.J. (†1649) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | en | Bredenbachius, Tilmannus (†1587) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Breton, Raymond, O.P. (†1679) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | en | Briçonnet, Guillaume (†1534) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | fr en | Brillmacher, Peter M., S.J. (†1595) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | en | ADB | Bristow, Richard (†1581) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Briti, Fabrizio, S.J. (†1656) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Brixiensis, Gaudentius, O.F.M. Cap. (†1672) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Broickwy von Königstein, Antonius, O.F.M. Obs. (†1541) | 30 | Roman Catholic | | de | Broudin, Anthony (fl.1660-) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Broughton, Richard (fl.1600-1610) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Brunner, Johann (†1587) | 2 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Heidelberg (1561-1563); Philosophy, Ingolstadt (1573-1578); Philosophy, Freiburg (1579-1587) | | Bruno, Giordano, O.P. (†1600) | 21 | Roman Catholic | | | Brunus, Coelestinus, O.E.S.A. (fl.1641-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Bruxellis, Petrus d., O.P. (†1514) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Bucellini, Ottavio (†1752) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Budé, Guillaume (†1540) | 25 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Bullock, George (†1572) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Cambridge (1556-1559) | | Bundere, Jan van den, O.P. (†1557) | 21 | Roman Catholic | | | Burghaber, Adam, S.J. (†1687) | 40 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Ingolstadt; Theology, Ingolstadt | Scholasticon | Burne, Nicol (fl.1574-1598) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Busenbaum, Hermann, S.J. (†1668) | 31 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Butler, Alban (†1773) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | en | Buys, Jan, S.J. (†1611) | 7 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Mainz (1586-?); Theology, Mainz (1586-?) | | Byfleet, John E. (†1652) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Bzowski, Abraham, O.P. (†1637) | 28 | Roman Catholic | | | Cabassut, Jean (†1685) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Cabrera, Pedro de (†1616) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Cadonici, Giovanni (†1786) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | | Caesarius, Johann (†1550) | 42 | Roman Catholic | | de | NDB | Cajetan, Tommaso de Vio (†1534) | 147 | Roman Catholic | | BBKL | CE | Scholasticon | Calmet, Augustine, O.S.B. (†1757) | 39 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Cambilhon, Johan, S.J. (†1611) | 3 | Roman Catholic | |  | Camerario, Bartolomeo (†1564) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | | Campanella, Tommaso, O.P. (†1639) | 91 | Roman Catholic | | en it | CE | DBI | EMLO | Campeggi, Tommaso (†1564) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Campegio, Lorenzo (†1539) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | BBKL | CE | Campen, Jan van (†1538) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | ADB | Campion, Edmund, S.J. (†1581) | 39 | Roman Catholic | | en | BBKL | CE | Camus de Pont-Carré, Jean-Pierre (†1652) | 132 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Cane, John V. (†1692) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Canisius, Petrus, S.J. (†1597) | 140 | Roman Catholic | | en | BBKL | CE | Cano, Melchior, O.P. (†1560) | 97 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Salamanca (1546-1552) | en es | BBKL | CE | Scholasticon | Capisucchi, Raimondo, O.P. (†1691) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Capitis, Fremin, O.Min. | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Capponi, Serafino, O.P. (†1614) | 70 | Roman Catholic | | en | DBI | Scholasticon | Caracciolo, Antonio, C.R. (†1642) | 26 | Roman Catholic | | | Caramuel Lobkowitz, Juan, O.Cist. (†1682) | 61 | Roman Catholic | | | Carbone, Lodovico, O.P. | 31 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Cardano, Geronimo (†1576) | 29 | Roman Catholic | | | Cariero, Alessandro (†1626) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | | Carion, Johann (†1537) | 17 | Roman Catholic | |  | Carleton, Thomas C., S.J. (†1666) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Caroli, Pierre (†1545) | 2 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | Theology, Paris (1520-1525) |  | Caron, Claude (fl.1590-) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Caron, Redmond, O.F.M. (†1666) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | en | DNB1 | Carranza, Bartolomé (†1576) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Carrière, François, O.F.M. Conv. (†1665) | 9 | Roman Catholic | | | Cartier, Gallus, O.S.B. (†1757) | 17 | Roman Catholic | | | Cartier, Germain, O.S.B. (†1749) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Casali, Giovanni B. (†1648) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Casati, Paolo, S.J. (†1707) | 12 | Roman Catholic | | en | Casimir de Toulouse (†1673) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Caspe, Luis de, O.F.M. Cap. (fl.1641-1643) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Cassander, George (†1566) | 9 | Roman Catholic | | | Cassegrain, Théophile (†1637) | 3 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | Haag1 | Haag2 | Jöcher | Castellini, Luca (†1633) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Castro, Alfonso de (†1558) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Castro, Alonso de, O.F.M. (†1558) | 37 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Salamanca (1512-?) | en es | Scholasticon | Caterus, Johannes (†1657) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Catharinus, Ambrosius, O.P. (†1553) | 72 | Roman Catholic | | en | Cattaneo, Sebastian, O.P. (†1609) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Caussin, Nicolas (†1651) | 63 | Roman Catholic | | | Cellot, Louis, S.J. (†1658) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | en | Ceneau, Robert (†1560) | 12 | Roman Catholic | | | Cepari, Virgilio (†1631) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | | Cerboni, Tommaso M., O.P. (†1795) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Ceriziers, René d., S.J. (†1662) | 24 | Roman Catholic | | | Chacón, Alfonso (†1599) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | | Challoner, Richard (†1781) | 26 | Roman Catholic | | | Chalmers, William (†1678) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Chalvet, Hyacinthe, O.P. (†1683) | 26 | Roman Catholic | | | Champeils, Léonard (†1669) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Champier, Symphorien (†1538) | 84 | Roman Catholic | | en | Champney, Anthony (†1643) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | en | Charpentier, Jacques (†1574) | 34 | Roman Catholic | | fr | Charron, Pierre (†1603) | 100 | Roman Catholic | | | Chasteigner de la Roche-Pozay, Henri-Louis (†1651) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Chiavari, Fabiano (†1569) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Chocquart, Charles | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Chrismann, Philipp N., O.F.M. (†1810) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Christi, Jean (†1595) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Cicogna, Vincenzo (fl.1585-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Cippullus, Gregorius, O.P. (†1647) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Clavasio, Angelus d., O.F.M. (†1495) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Claveson, Charles d. (†1623) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Clavius, Christoph, S.J. (†1612) | 100 | Roman Catholic | | | Clichtove, Josse (†1543) | 38 | Roman Catholic | | | Coccius, Jodocus, S.J. (†1622) | 32 | Roman Catholic | | | Cochelet, Anastasius (†c.1614) | 9 | Roman Catholic | | | Cochlaeus, Johannes (†1552) | 207 | Roman Catholic | | en de | CE | NDB | Codurc, Philippe (†1660) | 9 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | Theology, Nimes (1618-1623) | Haag2 | Coeffeteau, Nicolas, O.P. (†1623) | 47 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Coens, Jan (†1604) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Coeurdoux, Gaston-Laurent, S.J. (†1779) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Coiffier, Gilbert de | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Colet, John (†1519) | 17 | Roman Catholic | | | Coleti, Niccoló (†1765) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Colgan, John, O.F.M. (†1658) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Collegium Conimbricense (†1606) | 35 | Roman Catholic | | en | CE | Scholasticon | Collegium Salmanticense, O.C.D. | 18 | Roman Catholic | | | Combefis, François, O.P. (†1679) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | | Combis, Jean de (†1590) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Comitibus, Petrus de (fl.1658-1688) | 34 | Roman Catholic | | | Comitoli, Paolo, S.J. (†1626) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Concina, Daniello, O.P. (†1756) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Congnard, Pierre (fl.1655-) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Coninck, Gilles de, S.J. (†1633) | 27 | Roman Catholic | | | Contarini, Gasparo (†1542) | 55 | Roman Catholic | | en | Contenson, Vincent, O.P. (†1674) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | | Conti, Natale (†1582) | 29 | Roman Catholic | | en | Contzen, Adam, S.J. (†1635) | 98 | Roman Catholic | | | Copernicus, Nicolaus (†1543) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | EMLO | Coppenstein, Johann | 46 | Roman Catholic | | | Cordemoy, Géraud de (†1684) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Cordemoy, Louis G. (†1722) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Corella, Jaime de (†1699) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Cornejo de Pedrosa, Pedro, O.C. (†1618) | 5 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Salamanca | en es | Scholasticon | Corsini, Odoardo, C.R. (†1765) | 58 | Roman Catholic | | it | Scholasticon | Costa, Gabriel a (fl.1634-) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Coster, Franciscus, S.J. (†1619) | 92 | Roman Catholic | | | Coton, Pierre, S.J. (†1626) | 54 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Cottunius, Joannes (†1658) | 1 | Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic | |  | Council of Trent (†1563) | 45 | Roman Catholic | | en | Couplet, Philippe, S.J. (†1693) | 12 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Covarruvias, Diego (†1577) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Crab, Gilbert (†1552) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Crabbe, Pierre (†1553) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Cremer, Johann, S.J. (†1657) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Heidelberg (1647-1649) | | Crespet, Pierre (†1594) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | BBKL | Crespin, François, O.C. (†1677) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | | Croll, Johannes (fl.1609-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Cruz, Juan de la, O.P. (†1624) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | Quetif | Cruz, Juan de la (†1591) | 24 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | CE | Cumiranus, Seraphinus, O.F.M. (fl.1556-1558) | 9 | Roman Catholic | | | Curiel, Juan A., O.S.B. (†1609) | 10 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Salamanca (1604-1609); Philosophy, Salamanca (?-1586) | Scholasticon | Cusanus, Nicolaus, S.J. (†1636) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Cutsemius, Petrus (†1649) | 22 | Roman Catholic | | | Dalham, Florian (†1795) | 32 | Roman Catholic | | | Daniel, Gabriel (†1728) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | en | Danner, Albert, S.J. | 22 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen | | Darrell, William (†1721) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | de Baïf, Jean Antoine (†1589) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | en | de Bay, Jacques (†1614) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | | De Bryas, Charles, O.C.D. (†1686) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | de Covarrubias, Diego (†1577) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | en | de La Boétie, Étienne (†1563) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | en | de la Bruyère, Jean (†1696) | 35 | Roman Catholic | | | De la Cerda, Gundisalvus (fl.1560-) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | de Leviori Campo, Reginaldus (fl.1559-) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | de Luca, Giovanni B. (†1683) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | de Nobili, Roberto, S.J. (†1656) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | de Quiroga, Emmanuel P., O.F.M. (fl.1721-) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | De Sales, François (†1622) | 133 | Roman Catholic | | BBKL | CE | de Villalón, Cristóbal (†c.1588) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Delgadillo, Cristóbal, O.F.M. (fl.1660-) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | DelRio, Martin A., S.J. (†1608) | 17 | Roman Catholic | | | Dempster, Thomas (†1625) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Dens, Pierre (†1775) | 52 | Roman Catholic | | CE | des Périers, Bonaventure (†1544) | 27 | Roman Catholic | | en | Des Roches, Catherine (†1587) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | en | Des Roches, Madeleine (†1587) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | en | Descartes, René (†1650) | 306 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | DBNL | EMLO | Scholasticon | Desgabets, Robert (†1678) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Desing, Anselm (†1773) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Désiré, Artus (†1579) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Desmay, Jacques (fl.1618-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Deun, Johann, S.J. (fl.1591-1592) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Diana, Antoninus (†1663) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Dietenberger, Johann (†1537) | 25 | Roman Catholic | | | Digby, Kenelm (†1665) | 25 | Roman Catholic | | en | DNB2 | Dinet, Jacob, S.J. (†1653) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Dodd, Charles (†1743) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Dola, Ludovicus a, O.F.M. Cap. (fl.1634-) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Domingo de Santo Tomás, O.P. (†1570) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Doré, Pierre, O.P. (†1559) | 12 | Roman Catholic | | | Dorman, Thomas (†c.1577) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | DNB2 | Dorpius, Martinus (†1525) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Drexel, Jeremias, S.J. (†1638) | 235 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Driedo, Johannes (†1535) | 19 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Leuven | | Du Bosc, Jean (†1562) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Du Boulay, César E. (†1678) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Du Breul, Jacques, O.S.B. (†1614) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Du Faur, Guy (†1584) | 45 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Du Hamel, Jean-Baptiste (†1706) | 122 | Roman Catholic | | en | Du Perron, Jacques D. (†1618) | 112 | Roman Catholic | | | Du Pin, Louis E. (†1719) | 94 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Paris | en fr | Du Plessis d'Argentré, Charles (†1749) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Du Trieu, Philippe, S.J. (†1645) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Du Vair, Guillaume (†1621) | 38 | Roman Catholic | | | Dudith, Andras (†1589) | 10 | Reformed, Roman Catholic, Socinian-Unitarian | | en | ADB | Duncanus, Martinus (†1590) | 9 | Roman Catholic | | nl | DBNL | Dungersheim, Hieronymus (†1540) | 36 | Roman Catholic | | en de | ADB | Dupasquier, Sébastien, O.F.M. Conv. (†c.1718) | 25 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Dupleix, Scipion (†1661) | 57 | Roman Catholic | | | Scholasticon | Durand, Barthélemy, O.F.M. | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Durand, Barthélemy, O.F.M. | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Durand, Nicolas (†1571) | 66 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Bayle | Durie, John, S.J. (†1587) | 4 | Roman Catholic | |  | Duval, André (†1638) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Duvergier de Hauranne, Jean (†1643) | 29 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Ebermann, Vitus, S.J. (†1675) | 21 | Roman Catholic | | en | Echard, Jacobus, O.P. (†1724) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Eck, Johann (†1543) | 145 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Ingolstadt (1510-?) | en de | Eder, Georg (†1587) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | de | Edgeworth, Roger (†1560) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Egell, Ambrosius, S.J. (†1801) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Egger, Thomas (fl.1760-1785) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | | Egger, Thomas (fl.1583-) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Eiselin, Michael, S.J. (†1613) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | | Eisengrein, Martin (†1578) | 97 | Roman Catholic | | | Elgersma, Rupert | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Ellis, Philip M., O.S.B. (†1726) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Emser, Hieronymus (†1527) | 60 | Roman Catholic | | | Engelhard, Eusebius (†1765) | 30 | Roman Catholic | | | Erasmus, Desiderius (†1536) | 452 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Cambridge (1511-1515) | en de | CE | DBNL | EMLO | NDB | Erath, Augustinus (†1719) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | ADB | Escobar y Mendoza, Antonio de (†1669) | 12 | Roman Catholic | | | Esparza Artieda, Martín de, S.J. (†1689) | 54 | Roman Catholic | | | Espence, Claude d' (†1571) | 49 | Roman Catholic | | | Estella, Diego de, O.F.M. Obs. (†1578) | 57 | Roman Catholic | | | Estienne, Robert (†1559) | 31 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | | Estius, Guilielmus (†1613) | 61 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Leuven (1580-1582); Theology, Douai (1582-1613); Chancellor, Douai (1600-1682) | en nl | NNBW | Scholasticon | Eudaemon-Joannes, Andreas, S.J. (†1625) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | | Eustachius a Sancto Paulo, O.Cist. (†1640) | 37 | Roman Catholic | | | Everardi, Nicolaus (†1532) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Eynatten, R. D. M. (†1631) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Faber, Johann, O.P. (†1558) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Faber, Johannes, O.P. (†1541) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Faber, Peter, S.J. (†1546) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | en | Fabri, Filippo, O.F.M. Conv. (†1630) | 17 | Roman Catholic | | en | Scholasticon | Fabri, Honoré, S.J. (†1688) | 34 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Falconer, John (†1656) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Fardella, Michelangelo (†1718) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | en it | Scholasticon | Farnese, Ottavio (†1586) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Farvacques, François, O.E.S.A. (fl.1665-1671) | 29 | Roman Catholic | | | Fasolus, Hieronymus, S.J. (†1639) | 12 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Naples (1591-1603); Theology, Naples (1607-1617) | Scholasticon | Fassonus, Liberatus (†1775) | 50 | Roman Catholic | | | Faunteus, Laurentius A., S.J. (†1591) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | en | CE | DNB1 | Fédé, René (†1716) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Federer, Johannes, S.J. (†1706) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Felix, Simon, S.J. (†1656) | 16 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Ingolstadt; Philosophy, Ingolstadt | | Felix de Molin, Franciscus, O.F.M. Obs. (†1650) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Feller, François-Xavier de, S.J. (†1802) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Feltri, Angelus M. (fl.1751-1765) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Fénelon, François (†1715) | 104 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Ferber, Nicolaus, O.F.M. (†1535) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Ferchio, Matteo, O.F.M. (†1669) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Fernandez, Benito, S.J. (†1630) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Ferrari, Filippo, O.S.M. (†1626) | 2 | Roman Catholic | Metaphysics and Mathematics, Pavia | | Ferrari, Giuseppe A., O.F.M. Conv. (†1775) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Ferrari, Ottaviano (†1586) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Ferre, Vincentius, O.P. (†1682) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | en | Ferrer, Vicente, O.P. (†1738) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Ferus, Johann, O.F.M. Obs. (†1554) | 114 | Roman Catholic | | en | CE | Feuardent, François, O.F.M. Cap. (†1610) | 60 | Roman Catholic | | en | Figliucci, Felix (†c.1590) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Figliucci, Flaminio, S.J. (†1622) | 21 | Roman Catholic | | | Filesac, Jean (†1638) | 38 | Roman Catholic | | | Fisher, John (†1535) | 70 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Cambridge (1502-1504) | CE | DNB1 | Fisher, John, S.J. (†1641) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Fitzherbert, Nicholas (†1612) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Fitzherbert, Thomas, S.J. (†1640) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Fiume, Ignazio, O.P. (†1694) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | Quetif | Flavin, Melchior de (†1580) | 18 | Roman Catholic | | | Fléchier, Esprit (†1710) | 140 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Fleury, André H. (†1743) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Fleury, Claude (†1723) | 72 | Roman Catholic | | | Flinton, George (†1585) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Florenius, Paulus, S.J. (fl.1580-) | 2 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Socinian-Unitarian | Theology, Vienna | | Floyd, John, S.J. (†1649) | 9 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Leuven (?-1649) | en | Focher, Juan, O.F.M. (†1572) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Fonseca, Pedro da, S.J. (†1599) | 70 | Roman Catholic | | | Fontanini, Benedetto, O.S.B. (†1556) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | it | Forerius, Franciscus, O.P. (†1581) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Forgemont, Joachim, O.P. (†1620) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Fourmestraux, François de, S.J. (†1683) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Francés de Urrutigoyti, Tomás, O.F.M. Obs. (†1682) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Franciscus a Sancta Clara (†1680) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Francke, Christian, S.J. (†1603) | 30 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Socinian-Unitarian | Philosophy, Vienna | ADB | Frassen, Claude, O.F.M. Obs. (†1711) | 75 | Roman Catholic | | | Fritzhans, Johannes (†1540) | 19 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic | |  | Froidmont, Libert (†1653) | 41 | Roman Catholic | Arts, Leuven (1609-1614); Philosophy, Leuven (1614-1628); Theology, Leuven (1628-1653) | en fr | Scholasticon | Fromm, Andreas (†1683) | 17 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic | | NDB | Fuente, Constantino P. (†1560) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | es | Fusco, Paolo (†1583) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Gabriel a Sancto Vincentio, O.C.D. (†1671) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Gage, Thomas, O.P. (†1656) | 3 | Anglican, Roman Catholic | | en | Galatino, Pietro C., O.F.M. (†1539) | 9 | Roman Catholic | |  | Galbraith, Robert (†1544) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Galesius, Augustinus (†1621) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Galilei, Galileo (†1642) | 50 | Roman Catholic | | BBKL | CE | Gamaches, Philipe d. (†1625) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Garasse, François (†1631) | 17 | Roman Catholic | | | Gardiner, Stephen (†1555) | 33 | Roman Catholic | | | Garnet, Henry (†1606) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Gassendi, Pierre (†1655) | 466 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Scholasticon | Gaudin, Ambrosius, S.J. (fl.1614-) | 13 | Roman Catholic | Dillingen | | Gaultier, Jacques (†1636) | 18 | Roman Catholic | | | Gautruche, Pierre, S.J. (†1681) | 64 | Roman Catholic | | | Gavardi, Frederico N., O.E.S.A. (†1715) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Gavello, Antonio, O.F.M. Obs. | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Gazzaniga, Petro M., O.P. (†1799) | 29 | Roman Catholic | | | Geddes, Alexander (†1802) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Geiler von Kaysersberg, Johann (†1510) | 54 | Roman Catholic | | | Gelen, Victor (†1669) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Geluwe, Arnold van (†1675) | 73 | Roman Catholic | | DBNL | Genebrard, Gilbert, O.S.B. (†1597) | 65 | Roman Catholic | | en | Genebrard, Gilbert, O.S.B. (†1597) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Geninges, John (†1660) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Genovesi, Antonio (†1769) | 53 | Roman Catholic | |  | Gerard, John, S.J. (†1637) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | en | Gerbert, Martin (†1793) | 73 | Roman Catholic | | | Gervasius Brisacensis, O.F.M. Cap. (†1717) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Gibbon, Augustinus, O.E.S.A. (†1676) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Gibbons, John, S.J. (†1589) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | en | Giberti, Giovanni M. (†1543) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | | Gibieuf, Guillaume, O.F. (†1650) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Giffard, Bonaventure (†1734) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Giffen, Hubert van (†1604) | 40 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | it | NDB | Giner, Damian, O.F.M. Obs. (fl.1597-1605) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Gisbert, Jean, S.J. | 1 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Toulouse | | Giustiniani, Agostino, O.P. (†1536) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | en it | Giustiniani, Orazio | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Glarean, Heinrich (†1563) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | en | Glen, Jean B., O.E.S.A. (†1603) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Glyn, William (†1558) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Cambridge (1544-1549) | DNB1 | Godart, Pierre (fl.1666-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Godeau, Antoine (†1672) | 102 | Roman Catholic | | | Godoy, Pedro de (†1677) | 41 | Roman Catholic | | es | Goeltgens, Richwin, S.J. (†1671) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Heidelberg (1629-1631); Theology, Heidelberg (1640-1646) | | Gómez de Castro, Alvar (†1580) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Gonet, Jean-Baptiste, O.P. (†1681) | 125 | Roman Catholic | |  | Gontery, Jean, S.J. (†1616) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Goswin, Nickel, S.J. (†1664) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Gother, John (†1704) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | | Gotti, Vincenzo L., O.P. (†1742) | 18 | Roman Catholic | | | Gottraw, Peter, S.J. (†1640) | 12 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1607-1610); Theology, Dillingen (1615-1617) | | Goudin, Antonine, O.P. (†1695) | 65 | Roman Catholic | | Quetif | Goujet, Claude-Pierre (†1767) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Gourlin, Pierre-Sébastien (†1775) | 29 | Roman Catholic | | | Gramond, Gabriel B. (†1654) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Granada, Luis de, O.P. (†1588) | 101 | Roman Catholic | | | Granado, Diego, S.J. (†1632) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | | Grange, Jean-Baptiste d. (†1698) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Gratianus, Liberius, S.J. (†1730) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Gratius, Ortwin (†1542) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | en | Grégoire, Pierre (†1597) | 92 | Roman Catholic | |  | Gregory, William, O.C. (fl.1520-) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Gretser, Jakob, S.J. (†1625) | 240 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Ingolstadt (1589-1592); Theology, Ingolstadt (1592-1615) | en | BBKL | CE | Gropper, Johann (†1559) | 32 | Roman Catholic | | | Guadagnoli, Filippo (†1656) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Guadalupe, Andrés de, O.F.M. (†1668) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Gudelinus, Petrus (†1619) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | en | Guérinois, Jacques-Casimir, O.P. (†1703) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | Quetif | Guevara, Antonio de, O.F.M. (†1545) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Guilliaud, Claude (†1551) | 42 | Roman Catholic | | | Guyard, Bernard, O.P. (†1674) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Guyon, Jeanne M. (†1717) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Gwynneth, John (†1563) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Haan, Arnold, S.J. (†1633) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Heidelberg (1629-1631) | | Haas, Veit (†1538) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Heidelberg (1523-1533); Theology, Heidelberg (1529-1538) | | Habert, Isaac (†1668) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Habert, Louis (†1718) | 22 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Paris (1668-1678) | Scholasticon | Haidlberger, Georg, S.J. (†1683) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Hall, Richard (†1604) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Hallier, Pierre (fl.1617-) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Hamilton, Archibald (†1593) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Hamilton, John (†1571) | 9 | Roman Catholic | | | Hammer, Wilhelm, O.P. (†1564) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Hangest, Jérôme de (†1538) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | | Harding, Thomas (†1572) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Haren, Jan (†1620) | 12 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | | Harpsfield, Nicholas (†1575) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Harscher, Johann, S.J. (†1650) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Freiburg | | Hart, John, S.J. (†1586) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Haunold, Christoph, S.J. (†1689) | 43 | Roman Catholic | | | Hauzeur, Mathias, O.F.M. (†1676) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Scholasticon | Havens, Arnold (†1610) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Hay, George (†1811) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Hay, John, S.J. (†1618) | 27 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Vilnius (1575-1578); Theology, Tournon (1578-?) | CE | Hazart, Cornelius, S.J. (†1690) | 82 | Roman Catholic | | en | CE | DBNL | Hegius, Alexander (†1498) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Heigham, John (fl.1623-1639) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Helding, Michael (†1561) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | en | Hell, Caspar, S.J. (†1634) | 17 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Ingolstadt (1621-1624) | Scholasticon | Hemelman, Jorge, S.J. (†1637) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Henao, Gabriel de, S.J. (†1704) | 23 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Henneguier, Hieronymus, O.P. (†1712) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Henno, François, O.F.M. Rec. (fl.1708-1718) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Henry VIII (King of England) (†1547) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Henschen, Gottfried, S.J. (†1681) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | en de | Henten, John, O.P. (†1566) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | en | Herbet, Jean, S.J. (†c.1578) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Herice, Valentín de, S.J. (†1636) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Herincx, Willem, O.F.M. Obs. (†1678) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | en | Scholasticon | Hermann, Amand, O.F.M. Obs. (†1700) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Hermann, Caelestin, O.S.B. (fl.1720-1740) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Hermann of Wied (†1552) | 1 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | en | Herrera, Pedro de, O.P. (†1630) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Hervet, Gentian (†1584) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Herwart, Marquard, O.F.M. Obs. (fl.1693-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Hessels, Jean (†1566) | 57 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Leuven | CE | Hevenesi, Gabriel, S.J. (†1715) | 33 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Hickey, Anthony, O.F.M. Obs. (†1641) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Hide, Thomas (†1597) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Higinius, Adam, S.J. (†1612) | 13 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1589-1592); Theology, Dillingen (1599-1608) | | Hill, Edmund T. (†c.1644) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Hirnhaym, Jerome (†1679) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Hoffmeister, Johann (†1547) | 136 | Roman Catholic | | | Hofmeister, Sebastian (†1533) | 10 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | |  | Holden, Henry (†1662) | 7 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Paris (1623-?) |  | Holt, William, S.J. (†1599) | 0 | Roman Catholic | |  | Holywood, Christopher (†1626) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Hoogstraten, Jacobus van (†c.1527) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | | Hooke, Luke J. | 12 | Roman Catholic | | | Hoppers, Joachim (†1576) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | nl | Hortensius, Lambertus (†1574) | 48 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | | Hozjusz, Stanisław (†1579) | 61 | Roman Catholic | | en | Huens, Augustin (†1578) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | ADB | Huet, Pierre-Daniel (†1721) | 152 | Roman Catholic | | | Hugo, Hermann, S.J. (†1629) | 32 | Roman Catholic | | fr | DBNL | Huguenin, David (†1704) | 1 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | Theology, Duisburg (1689-1702); Philosophy, Duisburg (1691-1702) | | Humblot, François, O.Min. (†1612) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | Calmet | Hunger, Albert (†1604) | 77 | Roman Catholic | | BBKL | Hurtado, Gaspar, S.J. (†1647) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | | Hurtado, Tomás (†1659) | 18 | Roman Catholic | | | Hurtado de Mendoza, Pedro, S.J. (†1651) | 21 | Roman Catholic | | en | Hutten, Ulrich von (†1523) | 14 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic | | en | Huygens, Gommaire (†1702) | 50 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Leuven (1652-1668); Theology, Leuven (1672-1702) | DBNL | Ignatius de Loyola, S.J. (†1556) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | en | CE | Iribarne e Uraburu, Juan, O.F.M. Obs. (fl.1614-1643) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Iribarren, Antonio, O.P. (†1699) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | Quetif | Scholasticon | Irorusqui, Petrus de, O.P. (fl.1557-) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Isaac, Stephan (†c.1598) | 6 | Jewish, Lutheran, Reformed, Roman Catholic | Hebrew, Douai (1564-1565); Hebrew, Cologne (1565-1584) | | Jammy, Petrus, O.P. (†1663) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Jansen, Cornelius (†1576) | 37 | Roman Catholic | | | Jansen, Cornelius (†1638) | 148 | Roman Catholic | | | Javellus, Chrysostomus, O.P. (†1538) | 61 | Roman Catholic | | | Joannes, Joachim, S.J. (fl.1644-1649) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Heidelberg (1644-1645); Philosophy, Heidelberg (1645-1648) | | John of Avila (†1569) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | John of St. Thomas, O.P. (†1644) | 54 | Roman Catholic | | en es | Juan de Jesús María, O.C.D. (†1615) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | | Juan de la Anunciación, O.C.D. (†1701) | 19 | Roman Catholic | | | Juénin, Gaspard (†1713) | 62 | Roman Catholic | | | Jurgiewicz, Andrzej (†1640) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Keating, Geoffrey (†c.1644) | 2 | Roman Catholic | |  | Kellison, Matthew (†1642) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Kennedy, Quintin (†1564) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | DNB1 | Kerchove, Gaudentius V., O.F.M. (†1703) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Kern, Georg, S.J. (†1626) | 18 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1599-1602); Theology, Dillingen (1607-1612) | | Kerssenbrock, Hermann von (†1585) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Keuler, Matthias (†1578) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Heidelberg (1536-1542); Theology, Heidelberg (1539-1557) | | Kircher, Athanasius (†1680) | 44 | Roman Catholic | | | Klinge, Konrad, O.F.M. (†1556) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Klüpfel, Engelbert, O.E.S.A. (†1811) | 46 | Roman Catholic | | | Knopken, Andreas (†1539) | 4 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic | | de | NDB | Knott, Edward, S.J. (†1656) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Koellin, Konrad, O.P. (†1536) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | ADB | Konigstein, Antonius, O.F.M. (†1541) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Korona, Marcus, O.F.M. Conv. (fl.1620-) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Kretz, Matthias (†1543) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Krisper, Crescentius, O.F.M. Ref. (†1749) | 29 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Kromer, Martin (†1589) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Kurz, Joachim (fl.1757-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | L'Espine, Claude de, O.P. (fl.1543-1587) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | La Bigne, Marguerin de (†1597) | 83 | Roman Catholic | | | La Chétardie, Joachim T. (†1714) | 22 | Roman Catholic | | | La Coste, Pierre de (†1583) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | La Croix, Claude, S.J. (†1714) | 46 | Roman Catholic | | | la Gessée, Jean de (†1598) | 12 | Roman Catholic | | fr | La Popelinière, Lancelot-Voisin de (†1608) | 19 | Roman Catholic | | | La Rochefoucauld, François de (†1680) | 49 | Roman Catholic | | | La Rochefoucauld, François de (†1645) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | La Taille, Jean de (†1608) | 16 | Roman Catholic | |  | Labat, Pierre (†1670) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Labbe, Philippe (†1667) | 91 | Roman Catholic | | en | Labé, Louise (†1566) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | en | Lacombe, François (†1715) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Lafosse, Fulgence, O.E.S.A. (†c.1684) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Laínez, Diego, S.J. (†1565) | 9 | Roman Catholic | | en | Lalemandet, Jean, O.Min. (†1647) | 9 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Lambertini, Prospero (†1758) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Lambin, Denis (†1572) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Lamparter, Heinrich, S.J. (†1670) | 60 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Dillingen | | Lamy, François (†1711) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Lansperger, Johannes J. (†1539) | 37 | Roman Catholic | | | Lapide, Cornelius à, S.J. (†1637) | 461 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Leuven (1596-1616); Theology, Rome (Gregorianum) (1616-1637) | en | CE | Las Casas, Bartolomé de (†1566) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Latomus, Bartholomaeus (†1570) | 41 | Roman Catholic | | lb fr | Latomus, Jacobus (†1544) | 31 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Leuven (1519-1544) | en fr | DBNL | Latomus, Jacques, Jr (†1596) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Launoy, Jean de (†1678) | 34 | Roman Catholic | | en | Launoy, Mathieu de, S.J. (†1608) | 0 | Roman Catholic | |  | Lawrence of Brindisi, O.F.M. Cap. (†1619) | 1 | Roman Catholic | |  | Laymann, Paul, S.J. (†1635) | 49 | Roman Catholic | | | Le Blanc, Thomas, S.J. (†1669) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | | Le Bossu, René (†1680) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | | Le Clercq, Chrestien, O.F.M. Rec. (†1695) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | | Le Dent, Maximilien, S.J. (fl.1667-) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Le Febvre, Hyacinthe (fl.1680-) | 12 | Roman Catholic | | | Le Maistre de Sacy, Isaac L. (†1684) | 48 | Roman Catholic | | | Le Ridant, Pierre (†1768) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Le Valois, Louis (†1700) | 21 | Roman Catholic | | | Lebeda, Heriberto (†1770) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Lechner, Kaspar, S.J. (†1634) | 23 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Ingolstadt; Philosophy, Ingolstadt | | Ledesma, Diego de, S.J. (†1575) | 25 | Roman Catholic | Prefect of Students, Rome (Gregorianum) (1563-1575) | es | Jöcher | Scholasticon | Ledesma, Martín de, O.P. (†1574) | 2 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Coimbra (1541-1574) | Scholasticon | Ledesma, Pedro de, O.P. (†1616) | 22 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Salamanca | Scholasticon | Lefèvre, André (†1581) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | | Lefèvre d'Étaples, Jacques (†1536) | 135 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Lejeune, Jean (†1672) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Lemos, Tomas de, O.P. (†1629) | 14 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Valladolid (1594-?) | Scholasticon | Lens, Jean de (†1593) | 45 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Leuven | | Leonardus à Sancto Martino, O.C.D. (fl.1764-1776) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Lequien, Michel, O.P. (†1733) | 22 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | CE | Lessius, Leonardus, S.J. (†1623) | 101 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Leuven | en | Letourneux, Nicolas (†1686) | 19 | Roman Catholic | | | Leyburn, John (†1702) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Libertin, Karel, S.J. (†1683) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Licheto, Francesco, O.F.M. (†1520) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Liguori, Alfonso M. (†1787) | 41 | Roman Catholic | | | Lilius, Nicolaus, S.J. (fl.1595-1600) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Lince, Domingo, O.P. (†1697) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Lindt, Willem van der (†1588) | 70 | Roman Catholic | | en nl | Lingen, Burchard, S.J. (†1713) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Lingendes, Claude d., S.J. (†1660) | 13 | Roman Catholic | |  | Lippoman, Aloisius (†1559) | 27 | Roman Catholic | | en | Lipsius, Justus (†1606) | 101 | Lutheran, Reformed, Roman Catholic | | en fr | Llamazares, Tomás de, O.F.M. | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Loarte, Gaspar de (†1578) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Locherer, Alipius, O.F.M. Obs. (fl.1740-) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Lochum, Heinrich, S.J. (†1673) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Heidelberg (1646-1647) | | Lokert, George (†1547) | 1 | Roman Catholic | Rector, St Andrews (1522-1525); Theology, Paris (1525-?) | | Longo, Francesco, O.F.M. Cap. (†1625) | 19 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Lopes, Duarte | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | López, Luis, O.P. | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Lorca, Pedro de, O.Cist. (†1612) | 9 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Lorin, Jean de, S.J. (†1634) | 61 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Lucas, Franciscus (†1619) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | | Lugo, Francisco de, S.J. (†1652) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | en pt | Scholasticon | Luis de Granada, O.P. (†1588) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Luytenius, Henricus (fl.1565-) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Lyncaeus, Dominicus, O.P. (†1697) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | Zedler | Lynch, Dominic, O.P. (†1697) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Mabillon, Jean (†1707) | 127 | Roman Catholic | | | Macedo, Francisco de, O.F.M. Obs. (†1681) | 69 | Roman Catholic | | | Maes, Boniface, O.F.M. (†1706) | 34 | Roman Catholic | | | Maffei, Giovanni P., S.J. (†1603) | 15 | Roman Catholic | |  | Maffei, Scipio (†1755) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Magdalena de Pazzi, O.C.D. (†1607) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Maggi, Lucillo (†1578) | 22 | Roman Catholic | | | Magni, Valeriano (†1661) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Mahusius, Joannes, O.F.M. (†1572) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Maignan, Emmanuel (†1676) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | en | Mailhat, Raymundus, O.P. (†1693) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | Quetif | Scholasticon | Maimbourg, Louis, S.J. (†1686) | 108 | Roman Catholic | | | Mairat, Louis le, S.J. (†1664) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Maistret, Jacques, O.C. (†1616) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Paris (1582-?) | | Major, John (†1550) | 46 | Roman Catholic | Principal, Glasgow (1518-1523) | | Scholasticon | Malafossa de Bargis, Iacobinus, O.F.M. (†1563) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Malderus, Johannes (†1633) | 32 | Roman Catholic | | en | Maldonado, Juan de, S.J. (†1583) | 55 | Roman Catholic | | | Malebranche, Nicolas (†1715) | 85 | Roman Catholic | | en | Scholasticon | Mamachi, Tommaso M. (†1792) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | | Mancini, Celso (†1612) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Manderston, William (fl.1506-1525) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Mansi, Giovanni D. (†1769) | 39 | Roman Catholic | | | Mansi, Giuseppe (†1720) | 86 | Roman Catholic | | | Mantova Benavides, Marco (†1582) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Manzini, Giovanni B. (†1664) | 35 | Roman Catholic | | | Marc de Bauduen, O.F.M. Cap. (fl.1661-1673) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Marcello, Cristoforo (†1527) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Marcellus, Henricus, S.J. (†1664) | 9 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Bamberg | | Marci, Jan M. (†1667) | 16 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Prague (Charles University) | en de | NDB | Mariale, Xantes, O.P. (†1660) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | en | Mariana, Juan de (†1624) | 10 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Paris (1569-1574) | Scholasticon | Marinis, Dominicus de, O.P. (†1699) | 12 | Roman Catholic | | | Marletta, Gabriel, O.P. (†1678) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Marot, Clement (†1544) | 71 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | en fr | Marotte de Muis, Siméon (†1644) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | en | Martiall, John (†1597) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Martin, Gregory (†1582) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Martinez, Gregorius, O.P. (†1637) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Martinez de Cantalapiedra, Martin (†1579) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | es | Martínez de Prado, Juan, O.P. (†1668) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Martini, Martino, S.J. (†1661) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | en it | Mascarenhas, Fernando M. (†1628) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | pt | Mascaron, Jules (†1703) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | | Masius, Didacus, O.P. (†1608) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Massillon, Jean B. (†1742) | 171 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Massoulié, Antonin, O.P. (†1706) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Mastri, Bartolomeo, O.F.M. Conv. (†1673) | 70 | Roman Catholic | | it en | Matthew, Sir Tobie (†1655) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Matthisius, Gerhard (†1572) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Mauduit, Michel, O.F. (†1709) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Maurus, Sylvester, S.J. (†1687) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | en | Mayle, Matthias, S.J. (†1634) | 20 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Dillingen | Scholasticon | Mayr, Anton, S.J. (†1749) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Mazzolini, Sylvester (†1523) | 48 | Roman Catholic | | en | McCaghwell, Hugh, O.F.M. Obs. (†1626) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Medici, Sisto, O.P. (†1561) | 2 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Padua (1545-1553) | DBI | Zedler | Medina, Bartolomé de, O.P. (†1580) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | en es | Scholasticon | Medina, Juan de (†1546) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Melles, Etienne de (†1683) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Mendler, Christoph, S.J. (fl.1634-1648) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Menochio, Giovanni S., S.J. (†1655) | 44 | Roman Catholic | Moral Theology, Milan; Theology, Milan | | Mensing, Johannes (†1541) | 28 | Roman Catholic | | | Merchier, Guillaume (†1639) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Leuven (1597-?); Theology, Leuven (1611-1639) | Scholasticon | Mercier, Jean (†1570) | 12 | Roman Catholic | | en | Haag1 | Mercier aux Bourges, Jean (†1600) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Merinero, Francisco P., O.F.M. | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Merinero, Juan M., O.F.M. | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Mersenne, Marin (†1648) | 29 | Roman Catholic | | | Métezeau, Paul (†1632) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Meurisse, Martin, O.F.M. Obs. (†1644) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Mezger, Paul, O.S.B. (†1702) | 21 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Salzburg (1668-1669); Theology, Salzburg (1673-1699) | en | Scholasticon | Michaelis, Sébastien, O.P. (†1618) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Minucci, Genesio (†1603) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Molanus, Johannes (†1585) | 34 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Leuven (1578-1585) | | Molard, Daniel (fl.1618-) | 0 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | Haag1 | Molina, Luis de, S.J. (†1600) | 77 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Coimbra (1563-1567); Theology, Évora (1568-1588) | en | Scholasticon | Molinier, Étienne (†1650) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Molinos, Miguel de (†1696) | 9 | Roman Catholic | | | Molitor, Isaias, S.J. (†1678) | 4 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1641-1646); Theology, Dillingen (1653-1657) | | Moncè, Philippe, S.J. | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Monfortius, Gratianus, O.F.M. Cap. (†1650) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Monheim, Johannes (†1564) | 7 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | | Monlorius, Johannes B. (fl.1590-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Montaigne, Claude L. (†1767) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Montaigne, Michel de (†1592) | 30 | Roman Catholic | | | Montanus, Benito A. (†1598) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Montefortino, Hieronymus de, O.F.M. Ref. (†1738) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | | Montepiloso, Angelo V., O.F.M. Conv. | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Montesinos, Luis de, O.P. (†1620) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | en | Scholasticon | Moor, Michael (†1726) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | More, Sir Thomas (†1535) | 17 | Roman Catholic | | | Morell, Juliana (†1653) | 1 | Roman Catholic | |  | Moréri, Louis (†1680) | 59 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Morin, Jean (†1659) | 25 | Roman Catholic | | | Morin, Jean-Baptiste (†1656) | 33 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Mulhusinus, Johann, S.J. (†1609) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Mülmann, Hieronymus, S.J. (†1666) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | Zedler | Mumford, James (†1666) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Mundbrot, Walter, S.J. (†1645) | 31 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Ingolstadt | | Muniesa, Tomás, S.J. (†1696) | 22 | Roman Catholic | | | Muratori, Ludovico A. (†1750) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Murner, Thomas (†1537) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Musso, Cornelio, O.F.M. (†1574) | 35 | Roman Catholic | | | Musson, Gabriele (fl.1743-) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Mylonius, Nicolaus, S.J. (fl.1582-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Nancel, Nicolas de (†1610) | 3 | Roman Catholic | Douai | | Nas, Johannes, O.F. (†1590) | 53 | Roman Catholic | | | Natta, Marco A. (†1599) | 43 | Roman Catholic | | | Nauclerus, Johannes (†1510) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Nausea, Friedrich (†1552) | 76 | Roman Catholic | | en de | Navarrete, Baltazar, O.P. (†1625) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Nazario, Giovanni P., O.P. (†1645) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Neercassel, Johannes van (†1686) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | en | Neesen, Laurens (†1679) | 30 | Roman Catholic | | | Nerrincq, François, S.J. (†1712) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Nessel, Martin (†1673) | 7 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic | | Rotermund | Neuhauser, Bernhard, S.J. (†1673) | 8 | Roman Catholic | Ingolstadt; Münster | | Nicolaï, Jean, O.P. (†1673) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | en | Nicole, Pierre (†1695) | 127 | Roman Catholic | | | Nieremberg, Juan Eusebio, S.J. (†1658) | 186 | Roman Catholic | | | Nifo, Agostino (†1546) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Nihusius, Bartholdus (†1657) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | NDB | Scholasticon | Noailles, Louis A. (†1729) | 58 | Roman Catholic | | | Noris, Enrico, O.E.S.A. (†1704) | 50 | Roman Catholic | | | Nourse, Timothy (†1699) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Nuño Cabezudo, Diego, O.P. (†1614) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Oberndorffer, Coelestin, O.S.B. (†1765) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Oeser, Gaudentius (fl.1765-1769) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Olahus, Nicolaus (†1568) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Oleaster, Hieronymus, O.P. (†1563) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Olier, Jean-Jacques (†1657) | 22 | Roman Catholic | | | Opatowczyk, Adam (†1647) | 2 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Cracow | | Opstraet, Jan (†1720) | 59 | Roman Catholic | | | Orantes y Villena, Francisco d. | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Orlando, Matteo, O.C. (†1695) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Ortega, Cristóbal de, S.J. (†1686) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Ortelius, Abraham (†1598) | 44 | Roman Catholic | | | Ortiz, Diego, O.P. (†1640) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Orzechowski, Stanislaw (†1603) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Osório, Jerôme (†1580) | 84 | Roman Catholic | | en | Osorio, Juan, S.J. (†1594) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Osterrieder, Hermann, O.F.M. Conv. (†1783) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Ostrowski, Stanislaus Z. (†1596) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Oviedo, Franciscus de (†1651) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Paciuchelli, Angelo, O.P. (†1660) | 65 | Roman Catholic | | Quetif | Pagnino, Santes (†1536) | 47 | Roman Catholic | | en | Palacio, Miguel de (†1593) | 25 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Salamanca (1545-1550); Theology, Salamanca (1550-1555) | Scholasticon | Palacio, Paulus de (†1582) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | | Paleotti, Gabriele (†1597) | 31 | Roman Catholic | | | Pallavicino, Sforza (†1667) | 157 | Roman Catholic | | en it | Palma-Cayet, Pierre-Victor (†1610) | 41 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | | Paludanus, Michael, O.E.S.A. (†c.1652) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Panger, Marinus, O.F.M. Obs. (†1733) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Panger, Willibald, S.J. (fl.1623-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Augsburg | | Panigarola, Francesco (†1594) | 50 | Roman Catholic | | en it | Panvinio, Onofrio (†1568) | 74 | Roman Catholic | | | Papin, Isaac (†1709) | 19 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | DNB2 | Paré, Ambroise (†1590) | 38 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | |  | Parra, Jacinto de la, O.P. (†1684) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Pascal, Blaise (†1662) | 196 | Roman Catholic | | en | Pasqual, Raymundus, O.P. (†1593) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | Quetif | Pasqualigo, Zaccaria, S.J. (†1664) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | | Pasquier, Etienne (†1615) | 24 | Roman Catholic | | | Passerini, Pietro M., O.P. (†1677) | 30 | Roman Catholic | | | Patin, Charles (†1693) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Pázmány, Péter (†1637) | 19 | Roman Catholic | | en | Peier, Rochus, S.J. (†1665) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1639-1642); Theology, Dillingen (1650-1658) | | Pelecyus, Johannes, S.J. (†1623) | 42 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1573-1576) | | Pelletier, Thomas (†1628) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | | Pellicot, Jehan (fl.1574-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Pelt, Theodoor van, S.J. (†1584) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | ADB | Peñafiel, Alonso de, S.J. (†1657) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | es | Scholasticon | Penotto, Gabriele, C.R.S.A. (†1639) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Pepin, Guillaume, O.P. (†1533) | 33 | Roman Catholic | | | Perazzo, Giovanni B., O.P. (†1705) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Percin, Joannes J., O.P. (fl.1693-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Pererius, Benedictus, S.J. (†1610) | 156 | Roman Catholic | | en | CE | Scholasticon | Pereyra, Martinio (fl.1714-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Coimbra | | Perez, Franciscus, O.P. (†1690) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | Quetif | Scholasticon | Perez, Jeronimo, O.Merc. | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Pérez de Ayala, Martin (†1566) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Pérez de Pineda, Juan (†1567) | 15 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | |  | Perius, Johann, O.F.M. (fl.1586-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Perlin, Juan, S.J. (†1638) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Pernot, Jean, S.J. (fl.1587-1593) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Persons, Robert, S.J. (†1610) | 45 | Roman Catholic | | en | Peryn, William, O.P. (†1558) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | en | Pesantius, Alexander (fl.1606-1617) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Petavius, Dionysius, S.J. (†1652) | 119 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Petitdidier, Mathieu, O.S.B. (†1728) | 17 | Roman Catholic | | | Petrella, Bernardino (fl.1571-1595) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Peutinger, Ulrich (†1817) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Pexenfelder, Michael, S.J. (†1680) | 25 | Roman Catholic | | | Pey, Jean (†1797) | 17 | Roman Catholic | | | Pfefferkorn, Johannes (†1523) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | | Philippe de la Trinité, O.C.D. (†1671) | 24 | Roman Catholic | | | Piccinardi, Serafino, O.P. (†1695) | 5 | Roman Catholic | Metaphysics, Padua (1669-1679); Theology, Padua (1681-1689) | Quetif | Piccolomini, Francesco (†1604) | 26 | Roman Catholic | | | Pier, Sebastian, O.P. | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Pierre de Saint-Joseph, O.Cist. (†1662) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | | Pigafetta, Filippo (†1604) | 24 | Roman Catholic | |  | Pighius, Albertus (†1542) | 36 | Roman Catholic | | en it | Pineda, Alonso de (fl.1564-1576) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Pineda, Juan d., S.J. (†1637) | 1 | Roman Catholic | |  | Pinelli, Luca, S.J. (†1607) | 62 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Ingolstadt (1575-1577); Theology, Pont-à-Mousson (1577-1580) | it | Pinto, Hector (†1584) | 37 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Coimbra (1576-?) | Scholasticon | Piny, Alexander, O.P. (†1709) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Piscara Castaldo, Andrea (†1629) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Pistorius, Johann, Jr (†1608) | 13 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic | | | Pitigianis, Franciscus de, O.F.M. (fl.1620-) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Platel, Jacques , S.J. (†1681) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | | Pley, Coelestinus, O.S.B. (†1710) | 8 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Salzburg; Theology, Salzburg | | Pole, Reginald (†1558) | 58 | Roman Catholic | | | Polman, Joannes (†1657) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Pontanus, Jacob, S.J. (†1626) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Pontius, Basil (†1629) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Porsan, Antoine, S.J. (fl.1599-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Porter, Francis, O.F.M. (fl.1650-1702) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Posnaniensis, Petrus, O.F.M. (†1658) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Possevino, Antonio, S.J. (†1611) | 109 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Scholasticon | Pourchot, Edmond (†1734) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Poyntz, Robert (†1568) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Pratensis, Felix (†1539) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Prateolus, Gabriel (†1588) | 22 | Roman Catholic | | | Prätorius, Matthäus (†1704) | 6 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic | | en de | ADB | Prévost, Jean le, S.J. (†1634) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Prost, Pierre (fl.1640-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Pruckner, Nicolaus (†1557) | 4 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic | Astronomy, Tübingen (1553-1557) | | Pucci, Francesco (†1597) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | en it | Puente, Luis de la, S.J. (†1624) | 147 | Roman Catholic | | | Pugh, Robert (†1679) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Punch, John, O.F.M. Obs. (†1672) | 38 | Roman Catholic | | en de | Scholasticon | Puteanus, Johannes, O.E.S.A. (†1623) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Quadratus, Mathurinus (fl.1575-1587) | 17 | Roman Catholic | | | Quadros, Diego de, S.J. (fl.1722-1734) | 7 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Madrid (Colegio Imperial) | Scholasticon | Quesnel, Pasquier (†1719) | 114 | Roman Catholic | | en | Quetif, Jacobus, O.P. (†1698) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Quiros, Hyacinthe Bernal de, O.P. (†1758) | 4 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | Church History, Lausanne (1752-1758) | HLS | Rabesano, Livio, O.F.M. Obs. (fl.1665-) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Rada, Juan de, O.F.M. Obs. (†1608) | 27 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Salamanca | Scholasticon | Raemond, Florimond de (†1602) | 38 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | en | Raggelman, Johannes, S.J. (†1668) | 4 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1620-1622) | | Rainolds, William (†1594) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | | Ram, Gaspar (fl.1611-) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Ram, Matthias, S.J. (†1665) | 11 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Dillingen; Philosophy, Ingolstadt | Scholasticon | Ramirez, Lorenzo (†1658) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Ramoneda, Christophoro | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Ramsay, Andrew M. (†1743) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | | Rancé, Armand J. (†1700) | 40 | Roman Catholic | | | Rapedius, Franz, S.J. (†1615) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Rapin, René, S.J. (†1687) | 32 | Roman Catholic | | | Rastell, John (†1577) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Raulin, Jean, O.S.B. (†1514) | 43 | Roman Catholic | | fr | Ravesteyn, Jodocus (†1570) | 27 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Leuven (1546-1570) | CE | Raynaud, Théophile, S.J. (†1663) | 55 | Roman Catholic | | | Reding, Augustin, O.S.B. (†1692) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | HLS | Redman, John (†1551) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Cambridge (1538-1542); Theology, Cambridge (1549-1551) | DNB1 | Redorffer, Wolfgang (†1559) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Reeb, Georg, S.J. (†1662) | 40 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1622-1625); Philosophy, Dillingen (1626-1628) | Scholasticon | Regis, Peeter (fl.1568-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Regnault, Antonin (†1676) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Regourd, Alexandre, S.J. (†1635) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Reihing, Conrad, S.J. (†1634) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Reihing, Jacob, S.J. (†1628) | 76 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Ingolstadt (1608-1613); Theology, Tübingen (1622-1628) | NDB | Reina, Casiodoro de (†1594) | 32 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic | |  | Reindel, Rupert, S.J. (†1630) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Reisch, Gregorius (†1525) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Remy, Nicholas (†1612) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Renato, Camillo, O.F.M. (†1575) | 0 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Socinian-Unitarian | | en | Renaudot, Eusèbe (†1720) | 18 | Roman Catholic | | | Renner, Michael, S.J. (†1611) | 1 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1587-1590) | | Rentz, Placidus, O.S.B. (†1748) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Reuchlin, Johann (†1522) | 48 | Roman Catholic | | | Rhenanus, Beatus (†1547) | 18 | Roman Catholic | | | Rho, Alessandro (†1627) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Rhodes, Georges de, S.J. (†1661) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Ribadeneyra, Pedro de (†1611) | 59 | Roman Catholic | | en es | Ribera, Francisco, S.J. (†1591) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | en | Riccardi, Niccolò, O.P. (†1639) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | en | Ricci, Matteo, S.J. (†1610) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Richardot, Francois (†1574) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Richelieu, Armand-Jean D. (†1642) | 53 | Roman Catholic | | | Richeome, Louis, S.J. (†1625) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | | Richer, Edmond (†1631) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | | Rigault, Nicolas, S.J. (†1654) | 25 | Roman Catholic | | | Ringmayr, Thomas (†1652) | 7 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Salzburg; Theology, Salzburg | | Ripa, Raphael, O.P. (†1611) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Ripalda, Juan M., S.J. (†1648) | 23 | Roman Catholic | | | Rispoli, Giovanni M., O.P. (†1639) | 4 | Roman Catholic | |  | Rocaberti, Juan T. (†1699) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Rocca, Angelo (†1620) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | | Rocha, Antich (fl.1560-) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Roche, Antoine-Martin (†1755) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Rochon, Antoine, S.J. (fl.1672-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Rodriguez, Alonso (†1616) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Romeo, Francesco, O.P. (†1552) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | en | Roper, William (†1578) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Rossi, Arcangelo (fl.1601-) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Roterus, Spiritus, O.P. (†1564) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Roüillard, Sébastien (†1639) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Roussel, Gérard (†1550) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Rovetta, Andrea (fl.1691-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Rubeis, Bernardo M., O.P. (†1775) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Rubio, Antonio, S.J. (†1615) | 25 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Rüegg, Johann J. (†1693) | 2 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | ADB | Ruerk, Anthony, O.F.M. Obs. (fl.1746-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Ruiz, Gregorio (†1699) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Ruiz de Montoya, Diego, S.J. (†1632) | 28 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Granada (1585-1588); Theology, Seville (1588-1592); Theology, Granada (1592-1594); Theology, Seville (1603-?) | en | BBKL | Scholasticon | Rutland, Johann C. (fl.1560-) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Sá, Manuel de (†1596) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | | Saavedra Fajardo, Diego de (†1648) | 97 | Roman Catholic | | | Saconay, Gabriel de (†1580) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Sadler, Thomas V. (†1680) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Sadoleto, Jacopo (†1547) | 112 | Roman Catholic | | en | Sáenz de Aguirre, José, O.S.B. (†1699) | 23 | Roman Catholic | | en es | CE | Scholasticon | Sainctes, Claude de, C.R.S.A. (†1591) | 27 | Roman Catholic | | en | Saint-Joseph, Pierre d., O.C. (†1662) | 21 | Roman Catholic | | | Saint-Jure, Jean B., S.J. (†1657) | 21 | Roman Catholic | | | Salas, Juan de, S.J. (†1612) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Salazar, Ferdinand C., S.J. (†1646) | 12 | Roman Catholic | | | Salian, Jacques, S.J. (†1640) | 22 | Roman Catholic | | | Saliat, Pierre (†1556) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Sall, Andrew, S.J. (†1682) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | DNB1 | Salmerón, Alfonso, S.J. (†1585) | 84 | Roman Catholic | | en | Salon, Miguel Bartolomé, O.E.S.A. (†1621) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Samarinus, Franciscus | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Sánchez, Gaspar (†1628) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Sánchez, Tomás, S.J. (†1610) | 27 | Roman Catholic | | | Sanctius, Caspar, S.J. (†1628) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Sandaeus, Maximilianus, S.J. (†1656) | 46 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Würzburg | en | Sandbichler, Alois | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Sander, Anton (†1664) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Sander, Nicholas (†1581) | 102 | Roman Catholic | | en | Sannig, Bernard, O.F.M. (†1704) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Saravia de la Calle, Luis (fl.1544-) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Sarpi, Paolo (†1623) | 156 | Roman Catholic | | | Sasbout, Adam, O.F.M. (†1563) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | | Sattler, Michael, O.S.B. (†1527) | 2 | Anabaptist, Roman Catholic | | en | Savonarola, Girolamo, O.P. (†1498) | 276 | Roman Catholic | | | Sayer, Gregory, O.S.B. (†1602) | 28 | Roman Catholic | | DNB1 | Scarisbrike, Edward (†1709) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Schatzgeyer, Kaspar (†1527) | 123 | Roman Catholic | | en de | ADB | Scheurl, Christoph (†1542) | 10 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic | | en de | Schickfusius, Jacob (†1637) | 1 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic | | | Schmalfus, Cosmas, O.E.S.A. (†1811) | 30 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Prague (Charles University) | | Schmitz, Thomas, O.S.B. (†1758) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Schnell, Anselm, O.S.B. (†1751) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Schönberg, Matthias von (fl.1779-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Schopen, Wolter, O.F.M. (fl.1697-1710) | 31 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Schopperus, Jacobus (†1554) | 21 | Roman Catholic | | NDB | Schott, Gaspar, S.J. (†1666) | 31 | Roman Catholic | | | Schrötel, Georg, S.J. (†1642) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Schulting, Cornelis (†1604) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Schwartz, Georg (†1557) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Heidelberg (1504-1512); Theology, Heidelberg (1512-1556) | | Schwarz, Ignatius, S.J. (†1763) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Schwarz, Ignaz, S.J. (†1763) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Schwarzhuber, Simpert (†1795) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Scioppius, Caspar (†1649) | 33 | Roman Catholic | | | Scory, John, O.P. (†1585) | 0 | Anglican, Roman Catholic | | | Scribani, Carolus, S.J. (†1629) | 78 | Roman Catholic | | | Scribonius, Joannes M., O.F.M. Obs. (†1641) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Scupoli, Lorenzo (†1610) | 120 | Roman Catholic | | | Sedgwick, Thomas (†1573) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Cambridge (1554-1556); Theology, Cambridge (1557-1559) | en | CE | DNB1 | Segneri, Paolo (†1694) | 315 | Roman Catholic | | | Segni, Giovanni B. (†1610) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | |
| | | |