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German Reformed Churches of Pennsylvania
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Minutes and letters of the Coetus of the German reformed congregations in Pennsylvania, 1747-1792: Together with three preliminary reports of Rev. John Philip Boehm, 1734-1744, ed. James Isaac Good, William John Hinke
ed. James Isaac Good, William John Hinke (Philadelphia : Reformed Church Publishing Board, 1903)IA 
Minutes and letters of the Coetus of the German reformed congregations in Pennsylvania, 1747-1792. Together with three preliminary reports of Rev. John Philip Boehm, 1734-1744, ed. James Isaac Good, William John Hinke (Philadelphia : Reformed Church Publishing Board, 1903)
Neu-vermehrt-und vollständiges Gesang-buch : worinnen sowohl die Psalmen Davids, nach D. Ambrosii Lobwassers ... als auch 730 auserlesener alter und neuer geistreichen Liedern .. (Germanton : Christoph Saur, 1753)

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