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Acta ofte handelinghen des Nationalen Synodi inden name onses Heeren Jesu Christi: Ghehouden door authoriteyt der Hoogh: Mogh: Heeren Staten Generael des Vereenichden Nederlandts tot Dordrecht, anno 1618. ende 1619. : Hier comen oock by de volle oordeelen vande vijf artijckelen ( Dordrecht : Isaac Iansz. Canin, ende zijne geassocieerde druckers, 1621) | GB |  |   |
Acta synodi nationalis ... Dordrechti habitae ( Leiden : Elsevir, 1620) | GB |  |   |
Acta Synodi Nationalis, In Nomine Domini nostri Iesu Christi, Autoritate DD. Ordinvm Generalivm Foederati Belgii Provinciarum, Dordrechti Habitae Anno MDCXVIII Et MDCXIX: Accedunt Plenissima, de Quinque Articulis, Theologorum Iudicia (Caninus, 1620) | GB |  |   |
Acta Synodi Nationalis, In nomine Domini nostri Iesu. Christi ( Lugduni Batavorum : Isaaci Elzeviri, 1620) | IA |  |   |
Acta Synodi Nationalis, In Nomine Domini Nostri Iesv Christi, Autoritate ... Ordinvm Generalivm Foederati Belgij Prouinciarum, Dordrechti Habitae Anno M.DC.XVIII. & M.DC.XIX : Accedunt plenissima, de Quinque Articulis, tam Exterorum quam Prouincialium Theologorum Iudicia ; Accessit In Calce Index Cvm Rervm tum verborum Locorumque communium in hoc opere contentorum locupletissimus ( Hanoviae : Emmelius, 1620) | BSB |  |   |
Acta Synodi Nationalis, In Nomine Domini Nostri Iesv Christi, Autoritate ... Ordinvm Generalivm Foederati Belgij Prouinciarum, Dordrechti Habitae Anno M.DC.XVIII. & M.DC.XIX: Accedunt plenissima, de Quinque Articulis, tam Exterorum quam Prouincialium Theologorum Iudicia : Accessit In Calce Index ... (Emmelius, 1620) | GB |  |   |
Acta Synodi nationalis: in nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi, autoritate illustr. et praepotentum DD. ordinum generalium foederati Belgii provinciarum, Dordrechti habitae anno MDCXVIII et MDCXIX ( Leiden : Typis Isaaci Elzeviri, 1620) | GB |  |   |
Actes du synode national, tenu à Dordrecht l'an 1618 & 1619 ensemble des jugement tant des théologiens étrangers que ceux des Provinces-Unies des Pays-Bas. Mis en français, par Richard Jean de Nérée ( Leyden : Isaac Elsevir) / added author(s): Richard Jean de Nerée | |
| GB |  |   |
Vol. 1 (1624) | GB |  |   |
Afbeeldinghe des Synodi Nationael, met de sidt plaetsen der E. E. Hooch M. H. H. Staten Generael, als in Heemsche ende uyt Heemsche Professoren ende Predicanten, gehouden binnen Dortrecht (Nicl. van Ghelekercke, 1618) | GB |  |   |
The articles of the Synod of Dort / added author(s): Thomas Scott | |
Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1841 | IA |  |   |
Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1856 | IA |  |   |
Philadelphia : Presbyterian board of publication, 1856 | IA |  |   |
The articles of the Synod of Dort, and its rejection of errors: with the history of events which made way for that Synod, as published by the authority of the States-general; and the documents confirming its decisions ( Utica, W. Williams; New York : Collins & Hannay, 1831) / added author(s): Thomas Scott | IA |  |   |
Auspicium synodi nationalis ecclesiarum reformatarum Belgicarum, quae celebratur Dordrechti, ann. 1618 & 1619: cum nomenclatore deputatorum ad hanc synodum ( Dordrechti : Berewout, 1619) | GB |  |   |
The Collegiat Suffrage of the Divines of Great Britaine Concerning the Five Articles Controverted in the Low Countries ... Delivered in the Synod of Dort, March 6, Anno 1619, Etc (R. Milbourne, 1629) | GB |  |   |
The Dutch Annotations upon the whole Bible: Or, all the Holy Canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, together with, and according to their own Translation of all the Text: As both the one and the other were ordered and appointed by the Synod of Dort, 1618 and published by Authority, 1637. Now faithfully communicated to the use of Great Britain, in English. Whereunto is prefixed an exact Narrative touching the whole Work, and this Translation ( London : Henry Hills) / added author(s): Theodor Haak | |
| DTS |  |   |
Vol. 2 (1657) | DTS |  |   |